Once A Day

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Chapter 29: Once A Day

"I can freaking smell it, bro."

"No, you fucking can't."

"Kaleb, give me the freaking ginger beer." I stomp, leaning over to take the cup from him.

"No, nigga." His voice deepens and I gasp, taking a step back.

"Excuse me?"

Kaleb puts the cup up to his mouth and drinks the last bit of it, laughing to himself. "It's mine."

"Kaleb please," I beg, pushing out my bottom lip.

My brother finally gives up as he takes the bottle from the floor, handing it to me.

"Thank you." Before Kaleb is able to respond, the doorbell rings and I proceed to walk out the kitchen. "I'll get it."

Walking to the front door, I look through the small frame before opening it, absolutely nobody outside.


Something white on the ground catches my attention and I bend down to pick it up. A white rose wrapped with small cherry blossoms is now in my hands and I tilt it to read the note.

'Day one.'

Shrugging, I close the door and walk back into the kitchen, glaring at my brother.

"You drank my stuff?"

"Yeah, and?" Kaleb laughs as I walk to the pantry, Looking for something. "Who gave you that?"

"I don't know. But it's my baby now. I have to preserve life." I mumble, picking up a can of Sprite. "And I'm going to fight you."

Kaleb stands up and rolls up his sleeves, showing his scratch marks. "Try me."



Easton's voice startles me as I spin around, still holding onto the small vase. I stumble, regaining my posture before looking at him.

"Oh, hi." I smile genuinely, looking back down at the flower in my hand.

"Who got you that?" He asks and I shrug, walking to sit on my window ledge.

"I don't know. But they're amazing."


I stay quiet while scanning my room, figuring out a spot to put the vase.

Standing up again, I walk to my dresser, placing it next to the television before going to my former spot.

"So what's up?"

My question catches Easton off guard as he bites his lip, thinking. "Nothing much. And you?"

"I'm miserable."

"Oh? What happened?"

Rolling up my sleeve, I hold my arm out the window, hoping that he can see. "Kaleb and I were play-fighting."

"Oh shit." Easton laughs and I squint my eyes, trying to see his face better in the darkness.

"It's getting dark, Easton. Good night." 

"Night, Addy." 


Stepping out of the house, I rush to lock the door, kicking something in the process.

"Oh. Where did this come from?" I pick up the flower and run back inside, hearing Kaleb groan. "I'm coming!"

I run back up the stairs to put this rose with the other one, smiling to myself before leaving again.

"Okay, I'm back."

"Thanks to you,  we're probably going to be late." Kaleb grumbles as he pulls out the driveway, speeding down the street.

When we finally get to school, the two of us walk straight to my first-period class and Kaleb stays outside the door, waiting for the bell to ring.


"So you're telling me. He doesn't even want to sit with us anymore?"

"I know right! It's crazy." 

"And can you remind me why this bitch is here?" Marma scoffs and I look at her, rolling my eyes. "Do it again, I dare you."

"She was here first. Leave her, she isn't worth it right now." Brianna slurs, chewing her gum loudly.

We were all packed inside the cafeteria today because it started raining earlier, the three of us getting stuck at the only empty table.

Kaleb wasn't here to act as my bodyguard this period because he had a test, so I was stuck to fend for myself.

"Hey, Adeline," Marma calls my name and I look up, not moving fast enough as she flips my tray causing it to hit me on my chest. "Oopsies. You should probably go get cleaned up."

I look down at my clothes, the hot liquid starting to seep into my shirt.

The one time I get school lunch.

Standing up, I pick up my book bag and walk towards the door, feeling their presence following behind me. 

Easton gazes up at me as I walk past his table and he raises an eyebrow in question.

I don't look back at him before leaving, walking quickly down the hall to go into the bathroom. 

Going into the biggest stall, I pull the hem of my shirt up, unclipping my padding before setting it down on the ground.

"Shoot," I mumble, fanning out my shirt to keep it from sticking. 

Laughs can be heard from outside the stall I stand still, listening to the girls as they walk in.

This isn't going to end well. 

A good day has gone bad. "Just my luck."

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