That's Interesting

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Chapter 39: That's Interesting

"You're covered in mud."

"I know! Would you like a hug?"

Kaleb scowls while walking away from me, looking for something in the trunk.

He throws a blanket at me before walking to the driver side, signaling for my to get in.

"I remember that trip last year. Fucking disgusting."

Kaleb pulls out his parking spot and I look out the window, noticing Easton and his friends walking in the same direction.

"The guys are coming over today."

"I see. Why didn't you offer them a ride?" I mumble, resting my hand on the window frame.

"My junior and senior friends have cars, my sophomore friends are covered in mud. I'm good."

Kaleb keeps his eyes on the road as I look outside, watching the cars behind us along with the group of boys next to us.

Easton pushes his hand in his back pocket before looking up, making eye contact with me once he turns his head.

He smirks and I feel my face heat up, quickly turning my body to sit properly.

What was that?


"I want a rebound!"

"There is no fucking rebound in this!"

"What's a rebound?" I mutter, watching as they competed.

I was sitting on the couch with my legs hanging off and opened slightly. Not because I wanted my legs to be open, but a person took residence in between them.

This guy seriously thinks that's okay.

"Easton, I'm hungry. Move."

He tilts his head up to look at me and I roll my eyes, watching the smirk appear on his face.

"Go ahead." He chuckles and I shove his head forward, moving to stand up. "I didn't miss you doing that. At all."

"You obviously did if you chose to sit there."

My brother looks over at us as we argue, laughing to himself.

"Stupid." I stress, walking away from the group and towards the kitchen.

Easton yells back to me and I ignore him, pushing the door open and walking straight to the fridge.

"I forgot to feed my caterpillars!"

Walking to the pantry, I take up a handful of leave before running out the kitchen again, making my way to my room.

Placing the plants in the containers, I check to make sure they're alive before taking my phone out.

As I was scrolling through my social media, my phone starts ringing and I roll my eyes, answering the call.

"What, stupid?"

"Where are you?"

I hum, looking around my room before answering. "The house isn't that big. I'm in my room. Why, did you miss me?"

"Pfft." Easton sounds before walking into my room, ending the call. "Hell no."

"Whatever you say."

He sits down next to me and sighs, taking a long time to start speaking. "You want to come over tonight? The stars should be out more today, we can sit on the roof?"

"We're too old for that, Easton."

When we were younger, it would be a ritual to sit on either of our roofs and just look at the sky.

The time before he changed.

"Well then, we can stay in my room and watch them. Please?"

"I have homework to finish." I lie, biting my thumb.

"I know you're lying. Tonight it is." Easton smiles and I shrug, keeping my mouth shut.

The both of us sit quietly until Kaleb yells from downstairs. "I get you guys are closer now, but don't do it in my house. I'm starting the game again."

Easton jumps up at the sound of that and I raise an eyebrow, watching his movements.

He puts his hand on the doorknob before looking back at me, his eyes shifting up and down.

"Stupid." I mouth, causing him to close his eyes and wince before leaving.

"I'm coming!"

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