Weirder Than Normal

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Chapter 33: Weirder Than Normal

"Who does this guy think he is?"

"You're just going to give me flowers for three days straight?"

"And then give me Panda Express on the fourth day?" I shriek, holding up the bag. "I'm not complaining, but still."

Looking inside the bag, I see a car pull into Easton's driveway, the person getting out soon after.

"Well who are you?" The man leans against the car and I look up from the bag, noticing the smirk on his face.

"My name is Adeline. And I have to go."

The man laughs as I walk inside, locking the door behind me.

Running upstairs, I go straight into my room, opening the window.

"Easton! There's a weird man in your driveway and he's freaking me out." I rant, waiting for him to look at me.

"My uncle? He came to visit." Easton mumbles, continuing to fix his collar.

"You- you're uncle?" Clearing my throat, I set the bag down, feeling my eyes widening.

For some strange reason, I visualize him trying to hurt me.

Something that has never happened before.

"Do you want to come over today, Adeline?" Easton asks me and I tilt my head, slightly panicking.

This is so weird.

"Uh, why?"

"I don't know, just to talk. We can eat? And I promise, you won't even notice him."

I nod, showing him my bag. "Mystery person sent food today. We can share?"


"Wait, so you had Chipotle? Can I get a chip?"

"I didn't buy guacamole."

"Do you have cream cheese here?" I mumble, putting some food in his plate.

"Yeah. On the door of the fridge. Why?" Easton chuckles, pouring the chips in a bowl, mixing them around.

"We're good then."

I walk away from Easton, opening the fridge to take out the container. Searching around for it, I hear Easton draw in a breath before a hand touches my waist.

"Easton, let me go before I knock you out and take your chips." I threaten him, trying not to elbow his stomach.

"That's not me, Addy."

Turning around, I make contact with a chest, looking up to see. Easton's uncle was smiling down at me and I squeal, unsure of what to feel.

This can't be what post trauma feels like?

"Adeline, are you okay?" Easton tries to walk over to me but his uncle pushes him back.

"Hi, Adeline. Remember me, Uncle Sam?" The man's smile makes my insides churn and I remove his hand from me, taking a step back.

"Yeah, a little bit sir. But, I was kind of on a friend date. So if you'll excuse me-" I rant, walking away from him with the container still in my hands.

Pulling on Easton's arm, he quickly picks up our food and allows me to pull him, both of us shaking slightly.

"You're acting weird, Adeline." He mumbles, setting the plates down.

"I don't know why, sorry. I've never acted like this before."

"It's fine. Shake it out."

The two of us laugh as I start dancing, easing myself.

"Thanks." I grin, standing still for a while. "I honestly never felt like this before."

"You did- when you were nine. But you grew up and probably got over whatever was." Easton explains and I press my lips together, sitting on his bed.

"Well, it's coming back now. He's leaving soon, right?"



"I'm staying until next week."

"You are?"

"I am." Mr. Sam responds and I play with my fingers, staying out of their conversation.

"Okay, well. Adeline and I are going back to her house now." Easton unconsciously holds my hands and I feel my face heat up.

"Actually, Easton. I have to use the bathroom quickly."

Releasing myself from his hold, I run back down the hall into Easton's room, going to use his bathroom.

"You're not going in there." I hear Easton grit out and I try to hurry up, my body betraying me.

"Go faster..."

Finally finishing, I pull up my skirt at clip it, moving away to wash my hands.

The bathroom door breaks slightly and I check to make sure I locked it, crossing my fingers.

The door breaks completely and I hear someone scream, looking around to see where it came from.

That was me? Woah.

"Adeline. What a beautiful young lady you've become. Such a pretty face, nice chest. Round, bubbly a-" Mr. Sam lists and I lean over, kicking him straight in his neck.

"I did not know I could do that."

"Oh my god, Adeline. Get out the damn bathroom." Easton calls me and I walk out, an unusual bounce in my step. "That was cool."

"I know. I should take martial arts."

"Let's go, crazy."

I honestly never felt like this before. Imagine a whole week.

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