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Chapter 37: Fly

"Break up with your girlfriend. 'Cuz I'm bored."

"I can hit in in the morning."

"No, you can't." I deadpan, stopping in my tracks.

Easton and I were blasting the same songs out of our windows, singing like crazy.

Well, I was singing. Easton was screeching.

"Well shit. You're so rude." He mumbles, changing the song.

"Which song?"

The beat starts and I quickly scroll through my playlist, tapping the song when I find it.

"Heart been broke so many times I, don't know what to believe!"

Easton glares at me before leaning against his window, staring me down. "I'm coming over."


"So. Where are we going?"

"None of your business."

"I mean, you kind of kidnapped me. So it is." I mutter, putting my legs on the seat.

Easton looks back at me before rolling his eyes, reaching back to move my legs.

"None of your business." He chuckles, pushing my legs back in the floor.

"You're so rude!"

Easton laughs again before putting his hand back on the steering wheel, focusing on the road.

Crossing my arms, I look out the window, trying to figure out where we were.

"We're here."

Easton parks the car in the parking lot and I look out, reading the sign.

"A butterfly garden? What do I look like to you?"

"A girl who uses the butterfly filter."

I puff up my cheek while stepping out the car, leaving him behind. "You aren't wrong."

He trails behind me as I walk inside, stopping in front of the desk. Trying to take my money out of my bag, Easton pushes my hand away before paying for the both of us.

"Let's go."

The two of us walk to the door of the garden where a worker was speaking about the proper procedures.

"At the end of this, everybody will get a chance to take how their own baby caterpillars and a home for them, so don't take any adult butterflies."

She finally lets the group in and I giggle with excitement, noticing how Easton trembles.

"Are you scared?"

"No. Of course not." He shakes his head, scowling as a butterfly passes by. I shrug before continuing to walk further in, not missing his mumble. "How could I be scared of these winged demons?"



"Stop moving!"

"But it's getting so close to my face!" Easton continues to whine, taking a step away from the creature.

"It just wants to touch your nose." I giggle, placing my hand on his back to keep him in place.

Easton remains still as the butterfly lands on his nose and I walk around to the front of him. His eyes cross as he attempts to look and I pull out my phone to take a picture.

"Don't save that."

"I'm posting it on my Twitter."

"Don't you dare." He threatens me and I give him a fake pout, tapping my screen.

"I did it."

I put my phone away again as two butterflies come in my direction and I gaze at them, waiting for what they were about to do.

They stop on my cheeks and I giggle slightly, looking over at Easton who finally got the other butterfly off of him

"I'm the butterfly filter now. Isn't it cute?"

His face goes red as he nods, covering his mouth"Yes, very."


"I'm going to name her Nico. And this one is Avan."


"Are you sure you didn't want one? You bought me two." I ask him, grinning.

Easton shakes his head vigorously as I set the containers down on my vanity.

"I'm positive."

"You know, I never got a rose this morning. What happened?" Pouting, I walk over to my window, fixing the pillow before sitting down.

"That was the whole point of my bringing you outside on this amazing Sunday. They were closed today." Easton shrugs, following me before sitting on the floor.

"Oh. Well thank you, then."

We start talking about random things, before it turns into a playful argument.

At least I thought it was before he grabbed my ankles and twisted them.

"This is attempted slaughter." I whine, putting my legs up in front of me to protect them.

Easton chuckles while running a hand through his hair, rolling his eyes at me. "Okay, and?"

"And, I'm calling my lawyer. You're getting sued."


Author's Note:

This chapter was really short and meaningless. My brain has not been working due to this online school these past few days.

I'm about to stop logging in.

Anyways... what do you think about Adeline and Easton's better chemistry? Do you think it's moving a bit too fast now?

Um, I think that's all for now. Bye

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