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Chapter 48: Alone

"I'm working, this. Ain't got no time for this. Sure wish you could sway my attention."


I sing along to the song, trying my best not the curse with the singer.

Looking out the window, an object is thrown towards it and I flinch, glaring back at Easton.

"Can you come over?" He questions, shame evident in his expression.

"No. I'm good."

"Oh god, Adeline. I'm trying to protect you here. Stop being so difficult." Easton groans, throwing another piece of paper.

Protect me?

"I'm not a princess, Easton. I don't need saving." I tell him, resting my chin in my palms.

Easton runs a hand through his hair before biting his lip, examining my face. "You're my princess though."

Words like that used to get me when I was younger, but I'm older now. "That's not going to work, Easton. I have to go."

Closing my curtains, I pick up my phone before exiting my room, making my way downstairs.

I can actually sit on the couch alone for once.


Sitting on the couch while watching Netflix, the doorbell starts ringing and I groan, hoping it stops.

"Are you gone?" The person yells from the other side and I hesitate, taking a deep breath.

"Open the door, little girl."

What is he doing here?

Walking over to the door, I crack it open and look up at him, smiling slightly. "Good evening, sir. Is something wrong?"

"Nothing at all. I just came for something." Mr. Sam gives me a crooked smile before pushing the door open, walking in without permission.

"What could you possibly want from me? I have nothing." Using my fakest voice, I speak in a calm tone despite my unsettled nerves.

Mr. Sam turns around to face me, walking closer to me and I take a step back. "Take a wild guess."

My parent's always told me to offer guests a drink when they came into the house. But this man isn't a guest.

"I'm not sure. Please tell me."

He shoves me to the wall before towering over me, pulling something out of his back pocket.

"Your body. Give me what I want and there shouldn't be a problem."

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that Mr. Sam." I mutter, trying to get out of his barrier.

Mr. Sam groans as his eyes roll back, deeply alarming me. "The way you say my name is hot."

There's a word for old men like him.


He comes back to his senses, scowling as he looks down at me. "And why can't you?"

Because that's nasty, for starters. And no matter how much I hate it...

I like Easton.

"I swore to remain clean until I'm older. And with my future love."


"The only thing that's bullshit is your face." I mutter under my breath, not meaning for him to hear.

Mr. Sam slaps me across my face and I tremble, thinking to myself.

"Don't ever say those things!"

Don't ever say those things,

Shut up.

Looking down at my legs, I nod to myself before looking up again, checking where his hands were.

"If you don't mind, I can say what I want."

Bringing my knee upwards, I kick him in his downer area, watching his face twist.

"If you don't mind, please leave."

Mr. Sam turns away before walking out the door, reaching into his back pocket before holding something up.

"I gave your cousin two warnings. You have two as well." He warns me, holding his gun up in the air. "I'm warning you now. Don't deceive or hurt me that way. Your cousin did the same thing, now you have one warning."

He puts it away before walking across the pavement, retreating into Easton's house.

Closing the door behind me, I throw myself onto the couch once more, sitting quietly.

This is going to be a problem.

My phone goes off and I check it, reading the message from my brother.

Kay Bell: hey darling.

Me: you're so weird

Kay Bell: Is anyone bothering you?

Me: no... why?

Kay Bell: Because, I'll kill if you want

Me: no Kaleb, i'm fine. go play

Kay Bell: Please be safe. And also, cover up tonight. Thunder and lightning is coming.

Putting my phone down, I put my legs up in front of me, swaying back and forth.

Not going to lie, I miss my brother.

And I'm pretty terrified of Mr. Sam, I could have used Kaleb.


Looking at my phone again, I read over my brother's message, feeling my face drain.

"I'm terrified of thunder and lightning, too."

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