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Haven's POV:

"Babe, have you seen my dab pen?"

Looking up from my phone, I see Jake walking around frantically as he's shirtless with a look of fear in his eyes. I shrug my shoulders considering I haven't seen it since he's used it last.

"Not since last night."

"Fuck," is all he says as he turns away from me. "Where the fuck could it have gone?"

I don't respond because I feel like he loses it daily. We go through this often where he'll panic for an hour straight over not being able to find it and then I'll either find it in plain sight or he'll buy a new one off of one of the Paul brothers.

Shockingly, Jake mixes himself with them more often than I'd like but every time I try to express this to him he claims I hate everyone he hangs around. Then again, he's not exactly wrong; he just chooses to hang around controversial people.

However, I especially don't like when he brings the Paul brothers around here. Mostly because whenever Jake Thompson leaves the room, Jake Paul takes it upon himself to try and get me to spend a night with him in the most disgusting way imaginable.

In fact, I'd put money on the fact that I truly believe that they are the ones who convinced him to cheat on me when it all started. I don't doubt for a second that they had convinced him it wasn't a big deal.

It's gotten to the point where I want to ask Jake to not bring them around but it's an argument I don't feel like having. I don't know how many times I have to make it clear that I want nothing to do with their ignorance.

"Did you check the bedside table?" I call to him as this is always where he seems to misplace it.

He doesn't respond, instead hurrying upstairs to check as I look over my phone once more, dying for Aspen and Crystal to get here.

Aspen had texted me and told me that her and Crystal wanted to do something to have a "gals night". I offered for them to come here considering I could use some girl time, as opposed to sitting around and watching my boyfriend vape and play video games all day.

"Fuck yeah!" I hear Jake cheer as his dab pen was definitely on the bedside table.

I feel relief as I know he would've been in a terrible mood if it wasn't. I told him how Crystal and Aspen were coming over and he told me he didn't care considering he planned on going out anyway.

I contemplated bailing on the girls and going out with Jake but I knew I'd enjoy myself more spending time with them. Going out with Jake absolutely never ends well so I didn't think about it any further and just accepted his answer.

I hear him coming back down and I can't help but wonder what he's doing tonight and who exactly he's going out with.

"I was about to lose my shit if I didn't find this," Jake chuckles as he slips to pen between his lips.

"Who are you going out with?" I ask, my tone curious as opposed to demanding.

"Jake, Logan, Tana, Bella, all them," he says, making me cringe in the slightest as nights never go smoothly when he's around them.

"Oh," I say. "What are you guys up to?"

He sits down on the couch beside me, shrugging his shoulders as he takes another hit from his pen. He looks to be at complete ease now that he's holding the pen.

"Clubs," is all he says, blowing out a cloud.


Do I start an argument and question him just as I had done the other night before he went to the party? I'm well aware of how that argument ended but I keep reminding myself that I shouldn't be so terrified of addressing this with my boyfriend.

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