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Luke's POV:

"Dude, that is so fucked up."

"I don't want to talk about it," is all I say as they aimlessly scroll through Twitter, gasping at the different pictures and different articles claiming to know more than they do.

I tried going through the articles to see how bad they are and had to stop after the second one. They truly were ruthless and had made up a million different assumptions of Haven having cheated on me throughout the entirety of our relationship with Zac Efron.

This once again re-hashed the story of the fight between Zac and I as they tried to say that that was the day I found out about her cheating. As a result, the articles have been twisting this lie entirely and stretching it as much as they can. 

Obviously it hurts for me to read this when I know it's the furthest thing from the truth. Especially as I read hundreds of tweets of people expressing their hatred towards someone I love so much. I know above anyone that she's the last person to deserve it. 

"You should see how much hate she's getting," Ashton says. "I feel bad."

"I don't. She literally went behind Luke's back for good publicity," Calum is quick to say. "How the fuck is that fair to him?"

"People are sending her death threats, Calum," Ashton says, his tone serious which makes me immediately cringe.

Obviously I love and care about Haven more than anything. Fathoming the thought that people are being this terrible to her is impossible to me. I want nothing more than to get online and defend her because I know it's a majority of our fans that are leading this hate.

"Did she expect anything less when she was seen out in public with Luke the day before she went out holding hands with Zac?" Calum asks, clearly not having any of it.

"Yeah but she's still Luke's girlfriend," Ashton says. "She's done a lot for us and has supported us in every way possible. The least we can do is try and understand."

"I'm Team Luke on this," Calum says, dismissing Ashton completely. "She needs to come back begging on her knees for him."

"Do you have a heart at all?"

"Yes and contrary to popular belief, I also have a brain which is why I'm choosing Luke's side."

"This shouldn't be about picking sides, Calum," Ashton says. "This should be about supporting our friend's relationship and helping them figure out a solution to a shitty situation."

"She literally compared Luke to Jake. How the fuck is that fair to him?" Calum asks, as I can tell he's furious.

The mention of the comparison is enough to send a shiver up my spine as the thought is unbearable to me. How could our relationship compare to theirs in any way?

I've gone above and beyond in order to ensure that she doesn't feel anything that she did when she dated Jake. I want to make her forget all the pain from her past and feel confident and strong when she's around me. Instead, she threw it all in my face by saying what she had said to me earlier.

"I don't think she was comparing Luke's actions to him. She definitely meant in the way that she feels restricted in her career again because of her relationship," Ashton says, defending Haven in the way that I should.

I know I should be the one speaking up and telling Calum to not talk about the girl I love this way. However, I'm too much in shock to be able to process how I actually feel.

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