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 I wake up and am confused by the lack of contact I'm met with.

In fact, as my eyes slowly opened, I was certain I'd be met with Luke's body pressed to my own and his arm wrapped tightly around my stomach.

However, as I turn my head, I only see that my bed is empty which makes my stomach drop in disappointment considering I didn't expect him to leave.

I don't know what I was expecting, maybe for him to wake up a little after me? Either way, the last thing I thought I'd see this morning was an empty bed and of course it makes me feel a lot worse than it should.

Maybe he had problems falling asleep, as he usually does, and went back to his to write or do something along the lines. Just because he's gone doesn't mean that he left for a negative reason.


I reach over to my bedside table in order to grab my phone to see if he shot me a text explaining his absence but instead I see texts from so many other people that don't include him.

I don't even bother to go through them as I set my phone down and lay back on my pillow, squeezing my eyes shut as I try not to get too wrapped over the fact that he left.

Maybe he had things to do or somewhere to be.

I just wish he had said something.

He probably didn't want to wake me up, I need to stop overthinking every little thing.

Letting out a drawn-out sigh, I place my hands over my eyes and rub them softly before I hear the door to my room open which immediately grabs my attention. I remove my hands from my eyes and everything inside of me lights up as I catch sight of Luke walking in, two mugs of coffee in his hands as he's still shirtless and only wearing his pants from the night before.

"Morning," he says simply. His hair is tousled in the best way possible and I feel as if I'm on cloud nine as I watch him walk in with coffee. "I made some coffee, I hope you don't mind."

"How long have you been up?" I ask.

He gestures the coffee towards me so I extend my arm and take it from him as he brings his own mug to his lips. He takes a small sip from it before raking his hand through his hair.

"About an hour, I made breakfast-"

"You're kidding," I say, having a feeling that this is too good to be true.

There's no way Luke went out of his way to get out of bed and make me coffee and breakfast. Am I dreaming? This can't be real.

"Depends," he says, taking a seat on the bed, beside my knees. "Would you be mad if I said yes?"

"No but I might cry."

"Then yes, I made breakfast," he says, making me squeeze my eyes shut as this is too much for me to process. Someone pinch me right now. "I was going to make you a plate and bring it up but I didn't know if you were the type that doesn't like to eat in bed so-"

Hearing how he went out of his way to think of me and how incredibly considerate he had been all at once, I cut him off by kissing him and silencing his rant as I just want to show some form of appreciation.

I want him to know how much this means to me and how truly appreciative I am of him for doing so. Especially because he was considerate enough to weigh how to execute it all instead of just going through with it the easiest way possible.

His lips purse against my own but I pull away before the kiss goes any further than that and smile like an idiot as his blue eyes meet my own.

"Thank you so so much, Luke," I say, sincerity laced in my words.

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