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 Luke's POV:

"So we're staying, right?"

"We certainly didn't drive all the way here for nothing," Aspen says, making herself comfortable as she takes a seat on Haven's couch and stretches out her legs.

I contemplate suggesting we go elsewhere considering I feel bad for staying here if she's not here. Then again, she did suggest it and I wouldn't be surprised if it was something she normally allowed for Aspen to do while she was gone.

It just feels weird being here without her, especially after last night.

I once again had gotten immaculate sleep with her beside me which freaked me out because when I'm laying in bed with her, it seems like it's the only time I can properly sleep.

That's what terrifies me the most.

"Hemmo, why'd you scare off Haven?" Calum calls to me as he joins Aspen on the couch.

"I didn't scare her off for christ's sake," I say as I join the two of them in the living room.

"Then why isn't she here?" Calum asks, making me give him a look considering we know damn well why she isn't here.

"Do you listen at all?" I ask, sitting across from them.

"I'm just saying," he says, putting his hands up in defense. "Maybe she wasn't into all the food."

I roll my eyes, not buying it for a second as it's clear she had to go to a meeting and I'm sure there's nothing more to it. Calum just likes to be an inconvenience which is why he's managing to press on the subject.

"Stop making him second guess things, Calum," Aspen reprimands, shooting him a look. "You're going to make him scared to ever kiss her again."

"There's no way Luke was the one to kiss her," Calum says, a laugh leaving his lips as I narrow my eyes.

"Appreciate the confidence, man."

"I'm just saying you could hardly look at her without making a pit stop to-"


Knowing her best friend is right next to the two of us, this should be the last topic of conversation. The last thing I need is her going back to Haven and telling her I can't keep it in my pants. I don't need any of them knowing of Calum's favorite expression when it comes to me.

"A pit stop where?"

"Nowhere," I fill in quickly. "Right, Calum?"

"You're no fun," Calum says simply.

I just shake my head, surprised by his audacity to even bring it up. He knows how much I despise that expression yet he finds comfort in bringing it up in front of the girl of my dreams best friend.

"I'll never understand men," Aspen settles with.

"No," I say. "You'll never understand Calum Hood."

"You're just jealous because my mom says I'm special," Calum says to me.

"That's one way to put it."

Before Calum can speak further, Aspen interrupts and asks, "Do you two just bicker 24/7?"

"No." "Yes."

Calum and I respond simultaneously and he instantly pouts as he notices that I responded yes, as opposed to no. The thing is, Calum and I do constantly bicker but never in a harmful way.

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