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I look at the sight in front of me with absolute horror in my eyes. There's no way this is happening, when the hell did they get here?


"What are you doing here?" I ask, terror in my voice as I don't fail to notice who stands not too far behind her.

She knows damn well he is not welcome here. The fact that she's here right now with him by her side is sickening to me.

"I wanted to surprise yo-"

"And you think this is the way to do it?" I ask, my voice raising as I'm in disbelief right now.

Luke immediately joins my side, wrapping a protective arm around my waist as if to remind me that he's here. I find comfort in his touch and am thankful more than anything that he's here to help me deal with this.

"Can we at least come in?" my mom asks, practically earning an eye roll from me. "I think it's important to come together as a family and-"

"You certainly have a different definition of family than I do," I say, knowing damn well that Chris is far from who I'd ever consider as family. He's a monster and for either one of them to try and say otherwise is infuriating to me.

"I think it's good for us three and Ian to get together and-"

"It would've been a good idea for Ian to be in my life in the first place,"  I say, confidence in my voice as I've managed to find so much of it in the past few months. "Not that monster that you have the audacity to call your husband."

Chris seems to take this as his opportunity as he makes his way towards the front door and Luke's grip on my waist tightens immediately.

"Can't we talk, Haven?" Chris asks.

Before I can respond, Luke beats me to it as he says, "Don't come any closer."

I bite back a satisfying smirk as I know damn well that I don't have to worry about Chris with Luke by my side. I know Luke will keep me safe in every way possible and that I don't have to fear the past repeating itself.

Chris immediately stiffens as if taking into account the fact that I have someone here who's willing to protect me. It's no longer Chris and my blind mom. Luke hears me and he sees me and he won't let Chris get anywhere near me.

"See? I think it's important for us all to get together and meet your boyfriend-" my mom starts.

"I don't want him meeting, Luke," I say, my tone evident as to who I'm referring to. "Especially unannounced and unwelcomed."

"Haven, don't be ridiculous."

"Did you seriously think I wouldn't be upset?" I ask, my voice raising. "You really thought I'd be okay with you guys just showing up here after I specifically told you I didn't want him here?"

My mom's mouth shuts and I can tell she's unsure of what to say as Luke keeps me close to him, as if keeping me away in case either one of them were to step close.

"I think it's important for us to talk and this was the only way-"

"You want to talk?" I practically yell. "You flew all the way out here to talk? Fine, let's talk, mom."

She seems relieved by this, regardless of my tone as relief washes over her and she looks around at the inside of my house.

"Can we come in?"

I don't resist the urge to roll my eyes as it takes over me and I step to the side, not dying to have them inside my home. I especially don't want that monster in here.

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