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Haven's POV:

"Did you get your drink yet?"

I look up from my phone to see Aspen looking at me as I told her and Crystal five minutes ago I was going to get a drink. Needless to say, I got distracted by Jake's snapchat story, that's full of videos of him with other girls, leading me to have forgotten to even order a drink.

I know this isn't what she wants to hear so I slip my phone in my pocket and fake a smile.

"Yeah, I was just about to order-"

"Hand it over."

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

She puts her hand out in front of me, an unamused look on her face as she crosses one arm over her chest.

"Hand it over. You are not going to spend all night fretting over that asshole," she says, with an expression on her face that basically tells me she's not playing any games. "Especially when there are four sexy, Australian men in this bar who probably would sell a limb to talk to you for more than 30 seconds."

I sigh as I feel guilty and realize she has a point. I haven't exactly been the most friendly tonight considering I've spent a lot of time checking my phone and seeing what Jake's up to. I haven't talked to anyone besides Luke, hardly for a minute, and Michael, when Crystal briefly introduced me to him.

The last thing I need them thinking is that I'm stuck up and view myself as better than them. I don't want them thinking that and I especially don't want Crystal thinking that as I can tell her and Aspen get along well. I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll all be around one another.

So with that, I dig my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone to hand over to Aspen. She smiles in success as I place it in her hand and relief seems to take over her right away.

"Now come on, let's go have a good time and enjoy ourselves," she says, linking her arm through mine.

I try to push out the thoughts of the after party as I avoided it in order to not worry about it. I'm with my best friend and normal people for once. I should be enjoying myself the best I can.

"So," Aspen says as she guides us towards the booth that Crystal and her were previously sitting in. "When are we buying shots?"

I immediately go to offer as I say, "I can get first round-"

"No, you're not allowed to get drinks anymore, you get too distracted," Aspen says. "I'll buy us a round and-"

"Let's make the men buy it," Crystal says, cutting off Aspen immediately. "Isn't that what guys are supposed to do? Buy pretty girls drinks at the bar?"

I bite back a laugh as I feel guilty for making anyone here buy me a drink. It's practically a no brainer that I probably make the most in this room and if anyone should be buying drinks, it's me.

"Michael!" Crystal calls, as the four boys look up from their pool game in order to look at us. "Will you be a doll and buy us some drinks?"

Michael raises an eyebrow, clearly amused by the question as Crystal's voice went up an octave and she bats her eyelashes at him.

"Uh, sure but I've got to check my bank account first and I really don't have much wifi in-"

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Crystal says, looking to us clearly exhausted.

I open my mouth and am about to offer once more as I don't want them spending money on me if it's a dent in their wallet. I can happily buy the drinks without a problem.

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