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 "Was it really necessary to invite everyone over?"

"Yes," Aspen emphasizes, as she ties up the last bag of Jake's belongings and chucks it out the door. "That way when Jake tries to return, we have macho men ready to fight him."

I sigh and sit back on my couch as I'm exhausted from today. We spent hours bagging up all of his things and I'd be lying if I said it was pleasant to do.

It was hard to take out all of his things from my closet and throw them into a bag. On top of that, it was just all the little things in my room that are his and now stripped from my view.

I haven't heard from him but I also haven't really looked at my phone. I've been so focused on getting all of Jake's things out of the house that I haven't focused on much else.

I can only imagine he hasn't thought of me once.

"Michael said they'll be here soon," Crystal informs us as they had insisted we all had a fun night here.

The girls mostly wanted to spend the night in the pool and end it with a movie or something of the sort. I didn't have much of a choice but to abide considering they texted the guys instantly saying that we were hosting a slumber party.

I only have one other room in the house so I feel guilty making anyone sleep on the couch but then again, the couches are incredibly comfortable.

I told the girls that my bed was big enough for the three of us, as it's a king, so that they could crash in my room which they were thankful to hear. The other room has a king as well so I'll leave it to the guys to battle out.

Crystal and Aspen had borrowed bathing suits and I threw one on because I know that's what they're going to want to do all night. I'm certainly not opposed as I'm sure they have plans to take my mind off of absolutely everything.

I threw on a tshirt over, one I had purposefully bought because it was oversized. After all, there's nothing I love more than relaxing and feeling like I can wear something that takes over me completely. Sometimes, I just don't want to be dolled up from head to toe and just want to feel like a normal human being.

It always bummed me out when Jake refused to let me wear any of his clothes considering I feel like that's such a small detail to relationships that should be one of the best. I wanted to be able to just throw on one of his shirts and listen to him tell me how much he loved seeing me in it.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I hear Aspen says, which grabs my attention immediately.

"What?" Crystal asks, taking the question from my mouth.

She holds her phone close to her face and says, "Boyfriend of Haven Morano, Jake Thompson, pulled over for DUI after driving through a red light."

I give her a look of disbelief as I refuse to believe this. There's no possible way he managed to do this after our argument. Did he even try to be careful?

I put out my hand, signaling for her to hand me the phone and she does so accordingly. I eye the screen and see a picture of his mugshot as the first thing shown in the article. He looks unphased and seemingly not bothered by his actions as his face shows no expressions.

I eye over the screen, just to see how many times I'm mentioned and unfortunately see my name much more than I'd like. At the end of the article, they even made sure to include pictures of the two of us.

I don't even want to go into the detail of the article and read whatever this publication has to say about the incident. I especially don't want to hear how Jake reacted due to the fact that I'm sure it wasn't remotely pleasant.

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