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"Some tea for you m'lady."

    I look over my shoulder, spotting Luke as he takes a seat on the outdoor couch beside me and immediately makes himself comfortable. I take the opportunity to cuddle myself closer to him as he throws an arm around me.

    "Thank you," I say, taking the tea from him and bringing it to my lips. "What did Ian say?"

    Luke tugs me closer to him, smelling clean after his shower he had taken. Luckily, he's left a fair amount of clothes here so he had the ability to change into a sweatshirt and pair of shorts.

    Needless to say, we were both exhausted after the events of the night and were tempted to just fall asleep and call it a night. However, once Luke came out of the shower, he recommended making some tea and sitting outside for a bit.

    I obviously didn't turn it down and instead threw on one of his sweatshirts I had snagged from his place the other day to provide me proper comfort.

    "He wants to meet with us tomorrow and go over paperwork," Luke says, speaking of the conversation he had with Ian while he was making the tea. Ian had called him not long after we came downstairs so I went outside in order to allow them to have their conversation. "Have us sign everything and make things more official."

    "That's so exciting," I say, a wide smile spreading on my lips as things are becoming official for Luke.

    Tomorrow everything is going to be locked in and they're officially going to be a signed band. The thought is impossible to wrap my head around as everything seemed to move so fast for them.

    "I know, it doesn't feel real," he says, shaking his head as he looks off at the pool.

    "What does your family think?" I ask, speaking of his family that I really don't know much about. After all, the only thing I know about his family is that he has two brothers that are really good at pool. It seems like we really haven't had the chance to talk about his family.

    Who am I to talk? I offer nothing about my own.

    "I think my parents are relieved," Luke says, his hand rubbing my shoulder softly. "They just want me to live out my dreams and have the life I've always wanted. Especially because they were super hesitant about letting me move out here. This is kind of just the confirmation that they were waiting for all this time."

    The smile doesn't wipe from my face as I'm happy for Luke because of this. I'm sure it's an incredible feeling for everything to pay off the way it should. He took the risk of a lifetime by coming out here and it's so great to watch come together.

    "Tell me about your family," I say, desiring to know of his family that he seems so happy to talk about. He never sounds hesitant like me and instead, seems excited to speak of them as they're so far away. "Two brothers, right? Really good at pool?"

    Luke laughs at this, "Yeah, Ben and Jack; both are older and still in Australia. Some people swear that Jack is my twin but we're completely different in what we like, other than pool. He's big on skateboarding and surfing and all that. I couldn't do any of that even if I tried."

    This makes me laugh as I try to think of someone who looks similar to Luke but with different passions. This family must have some damn good genes.

    "Is he the oldest?"

    "Second oldest," Luke says. "Ben's the oldest and really looks nothing like either of us. Some say he looks like Jack but I don't see it at all."

    "I want to see a picture of everyone," I say, eager to see his family and see the similarities in all of them that he described.

    Luke abides as he pulls out his phone from his sweatshirt pocket and brings it out in front of the two of us. I immediately smile at his lock screen as I notice it to be a picture of the two of us that we took laying in bed the other day.

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