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Haven's POV:

Waking up, I'm only left surprised as I don't feel the usual tug of Luke's arm being wrapped around my stomach. Instead, I only notice an emptiness beside me which makes my stomach sink the slightest.

I turn around instantly in order to confirm he's not laying beside me before allowing myself to actually get upset about it. However, my thoughts are confirmed quickly as I see that even the blanket had been tucked up and seemingly fixed after Luke had gotten up.

I don't know what it is that has me feeling disappointed to see the bed is empty. A part of me is convinced that I would've much rather him be here so I could wake up beside him after last night. Not that I think he would've just dipped without another word. More so, I just wanted to wake up next to him this morning and be reminded of the security that I have in him.

After all, last night was absolutely incredible and unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Us being able to share such a night together is more than I could've ever asked for in a million years. Not only that but it went absolutely perfectly.

It made my love for Luke only stronger as he had shown me love in a new way last night and I feel so damn lucky that I got to witness another form of love from Luke.

I just wish that I know where he is.

Sitting up in my bed, I settle with the thought that maybe he's in the shower. Then again, the door is wide open and I don't hear any noise coming from it. Maybe he had to run out and texted me?

Going to grab my phone, I stop myself when I hear soft singing coming from downstairs which eases me immediately. I can't decipher any of the words he's singing but I know damn well that that voice belongs to Luke Hemmings.

Because of this, I jump out of bed immediately, thankful I had thrown on one of his tshirts last night before going to bed. This prevents me from having to take any extra time to change and instead I can go downstairs to the man I love.

I hurry down the stairs, him clearly not hearing as he continues singing the song I have yet to have heard before now. In fact, he's singing it softly that a part of me is convinced that he doesn't even know he's singing it.

Past all of the giddiness and excitement, I can't help but feel the sharp pain between my legs that also serves as a solid reminder of what had gone down between the two of us.

There's no use in denying that Luke is definitely bigger than anyone I've ever done it with before. Due to this, the pain is certainly evident as it's been a while since I've done this with someone and it's certainly going to take some adjusting.

I ignore the pain, only thinking of being with Luke as I hurry to the kitchen, catching the words that roll off his lips.

"Lover of mine, maybe we'll take some time."

I don't know what it is about the simple lyrics that sends a shiver up my spine. Nonetheless, I have to bite back a smile as I replay the words in my head again and again.

Maybe it's the fact that he's referring to a lover of his. Maybe it's the thought that he could potentially be singing about me.

"Dancing around the living room, lose me in the sight of you. I've seen the red, I've seen the blue, take all of me."

I bite my lip, wanting to stop where I am just so I can hear more of this. I can't help but relish in the mention of dancing around a living room considering it wasn't long ago that we were doing it ourselves. Unless he's piecing together different parts of his past into one song.

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