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Haven's POV:

I return to the guys' house after having left them for the day because I knew they wanted to get as much practice in as they could.

In fact, Luke even subtly hinted that he'd prefer that I'm not there because he'd find it too hard to focus and would be too distracted. I didn't mind at all, instead, I understood where he was coming from and abided to his silent request and went back to mine.

I can only imagine how much Luke has been freaking out today considering he was hardly able to say goodbye to me due to the fact that he didn't want to look away from his guitar.

It was clear that this was a new level of stress thrown on him last minute.

I'm hoping that he feels semi better now due to them having been able to practice all day but a part of me knows Luke better than to assume he'll be fine now.

Opening up the door, I'm about to head for his room when I hear him yell, "Where the fuck are my glitter boots?"

The stress in his tone is evident and I immediately halt in my footsteps in fear of only stressing him out further if I go in there.

"You're asking us like anyone else would dare to touch those things," Michael calls from his own room making me bite back a laugh.

"I haven't touched them! They were right here!" Luke yells.

Do I walk outside? Do I come back in a little even though we need to leave in ten minutes? Do I meet them at the venue?

I'm about to settle with stepping outside when Calum walks into the living room, catching sight of me and looking to me helpless as if silently begging for me to step in and help.

"He's a monster right now," Calum says to me. "Please help him find his damn glitter boots."

I crack a smile, seeing the begging look in Calum's eyes and only hope I can help Luke feel a little bit better. I'm sure he's going to be a mess regardless but if I can find these glitter boots for him, I'll be incredibly relieved for the both of us.

"On it," is all I say, making a beeline towards Luke's room.

"You're a saint," Calum calls after me.

I hear him rummaging through his room like crazy and take a deep breath in order to prepare myself for the mess that's probably about to ensue.

I approach the door, knocking on it softly before opening the door slowly.

"I swear to fuck, if I can't perform in my lucky boots then we're absolutely fuck-"

He turns around, catching sight of me as I smile softly and step into the room.

"Hey," I say, looking at the distressed man in front of me.

He's all dressed and ready to go besides the fact that he doesn't have shoes on. I have no doubt in my mind that he won't leave this place until he finds his shoes so I'm going to do whatever it takes to find them.

Even if the room looks like a tornado swept through as things are thrown everywhere. I try not to let the sight overwhelm me as this definitely makes it more difficult for us to find them.

"I can't find my shoes," is all Luke says.

"I heard," I say, my tone teasing in the slightest. "I'll help you find them."

"I looked everywhere, they're nowhere to be found," he says, his tone exhausted and clearly stressed as I can hear every emotion tied to it.

"When was the last time you wore them?" I ask, beginning to lift up different objects and look under them.

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