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Luke's POV:

As the chords wrap up, I instantly look out to the crowd, desperate to find Haven's eyes and read them. I need to see what she thinks of this song and the anticipation pours through me as I had given it my absolute all.

I sang my heart out and played every chord as if it was the last time I'd ever play ever again. I let every single negative emotion leave my body as I played one of my favorite songs I've written in a long time.

All for the girl I love most in the world.

As my eyes go back to the spot she was, I'm surprised as I only catch sight of Aspen standing there with a look of worry in her eyes. This causes me to instantly stand up, silently asking for answers.

"Go," she mouths to me, nodding her head towards the door.

I don't dwell on her word for a second longer and instead run off the stage, in desperate need to find out what she means by this. All the guys luckily don't chase after me as I hadn't even said goodbye to the massive crowd we had.

God, this could seriously bite me in the ass.

"Luke, where are you going?" I hear Ian ask as I run past him and towards the backdoor exit.

I don't even know myself where I'm going considering I have no idea where Haven went. All I know is I need to find her.


I don't respond as I shove open the door, immediately being met by an alley way that serves as an easy escape for the band. I look to my left and right, contemplating which way to go when my heart sinks as I find out exactly where.

There to the left of me is Haven sitting on the sidewalk, her legs pulled to her chest as sobs leave her lips and she doesn't even notice my presence. I feel my heart absolutely break at the sound of her crying and I don't even know what to say or do.

"Haven," I say in one breath.

This captures her attention immediately as she looks to me, a baseball cap practically covering her face as I don't miss all the tears streaming down her cheeks in a way that makes me want to cry as well.

"You weren't supposed to find me here," she pouts, clearly having thought that she'd be alone back here.

"I'm sorry," I say for her sake.

I'm sorry that she wants to be alone and I'm sorry that I can't give that to her.

She takes her palm, wiping it across her cheek as her eyes are bloodshot and she looks nothing but completely empty. She looks as if she has absolutely no hope left and instead has given up.

"I should-" she starts, making a move to get up.

"Don't leave," I practically beg. "Please."

She blinks at me, tears still pouring from her eyes as she contemplates what to do. I don't know how to convince her further but I genuinely don't know what I'd do if I let her walk away again.

"Can we just-" I start. "I don't know- talk?"

"We shouldn't..."

"And why not?" I ask right away.

She closes her mouth and stares at me for a few moments. I await her response as I can't help but wonder why she thinks it's so bad if we talk.

"Because it hurts too much," she settles with, her voice cracking.

I go against her wishes and make my way towards her as I want nothing more than to sit beside her on the sidewalk. I want to provide her any form of emotional and physical support that I can. I hate seeing her like this.

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