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 Haven's POV:

I place my hands on my stomach, feeling incredibly full after the smoothie I had. It was just what I needed and I'd be lying if I said if it wasn't one of my favorite smoothies ever.

"That was so good," I say to Luke who's on his third cup of coffee which has amazed me.

I thought that I loved coffee but I could never drink three cups in the time he had. I guess I technically could but I'd be bouncing off the walls by now if I were him.

"Glad you liked," he says cooly.

I have really enjoyed my time with Luke and I'm glad I decided to ask him to meet me. I mostly listened as he told me about his life back home and his life now considering I found it absolutely fascinating. After all, I can't say I know anyone else who moved away from everything they've known in order to follow their dreams.

He tried to inquire of my past but for the most part, I brushed off the subject. After all, my past is hardly something I ever open up about. I think the only person in the world who could tell half of my life story is Aspen. That's because even she doesn't know all of it. We've been friends for an eternity and I've even kept most of my past from her.

I told him the simple things like that my mom had me at 16, and that I'm an only child, and that I moved out here at the age of 17 after sending in a video audition for an up and coming movie. I got lucky and scored the role on the spot and have lived here ever since.

I had only a few weeks left until I turned 18 so my mom was terrified of the idea of me living out here alone. So with that, she sent me money for a year in order to help me pay for expenses and everything I'd possibly need before the checks started coming in for me.

Fortunately, I really only needed her help for a year. After my first movie, I had made enough to allow me to live comfortably. On top of that, I started getting more roles and sponsorships that brought in more income to the point where I was sending my mom money.

"Need a lift home?" Luke asks, taking the keys from his pocket as he twirls them around his finger swiftly.

"Oh no, I'm fine," I decline. "I can just walk, don't worry-"

"I'm happy to," he says cooly, taking a final sip of his coffee. "I've got a little bit of time before class starts anyway."

I push my lips to the side and am tempted to deny once again just to save him from the inconvenience. However, my body is exhausted from my run and I'm so full after this smoothie that I know the walk home will be miserable.

"If it's really not an issue-"

"It's not," he says to me. "As long as you don't mind riding in a truck that's probably as old as you."

"Oo, I've never driven in a truck before."

Luke immediately shoots up an eyebrow, clearly being shocked to hear this. However, it's the truth even though I've always wanted to. A part of me almost wanted to buy myself a truck as my car but I knew that I'd never be able to drive something so big.

"You're kidding, right?" he asks, standing up from his seat and tucking it under the table.

I follow his lead as I get up as well and tuck my chair under. Shaking my head, I look towards the parking lot and spot the red truck he must be speaking of. I can tell it certainly does look old but to me, that's the cool part about it.

"Wish I was," I say honestly. "So it's got to be an extra special ride."

I crack a smile at what I say due to how corny it is but Luke doesn't seem to mind. He smiles as well and allows for me to lead the way as he takes a step back.

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