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Haven's POV:

"What the hell am I supposed to wear?"

"I don't know. Where's he taking you?" Aspen asks, her stomach laying against my bed as her legs are bent and swinging back and forth.

"He didn't say," I say, biting my lip. "He just said to not worry about getting overdressed."

"Gosh men are so clueless," Aspen says.

I'm sure she doesn't mean it in a bad way but it definitely doesn't help that Luke gave me no inkling as to what we're doing tonight. How am I supposed to know what's too much or too little?

I groan, suddenly feeling as if my massive wardrobe isn't big enough and I have nothing to wear. Then again, I haven't even tried out any outfits because I keep psyching myself out and convincing myself that every outfit I think of is horrible.

"And what time did you say he'd be here?"


"Haven, you realize that's in five minutes?"

My eyes double in size and I'm thankful above all I managed to do my hair and makeup already. However, the fact that I have no idea what I'm wearing certainly is setting me up for failure.

"Help!" I scream.

Aspen dramatically gets off the best and marches towards the closet as I know she'll find one within seconds of being in here. After all, it's impossible for me to not like something in here. The number of clothes in here could probably clothe a whole village.

"You know, I'd be more understanding if it were me who couldn't find an outfit," Aspen says, entering my closet. "But you pretty much have your own shopping mall in here. How can you not find anything?"

I put my hands up in defense, allowing her to take control as I take a seat on the ottoman in the closet. I'm sure I wouldn't be struggling so much if this wasn't my first date ever and with Luke Hemmings but the nerves are taking over me completely.

"I could pick out ten date outfits in probably a minute in here," she says mostly to herself, clearly still in disbelief that I struggled as much as I did. "And you're positive you're not going somewhere nice?"

"Yes," I say to her.

"Then here," she says, handing me off a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top.

I furrow my eyebrows, confused by such a simple look. Isn't this too underdressed?

I'm about to question it when she also hands over a cropped, oversized jean jacket and platform sandals.

"Here, simple but cute. Add a necklace that matches the shoes."

I must say, looking at the outfit, I can't help but admit I do really like it and think it'll be good. It's clear he's not taking me to a nice restaurant so I don't see how this wouldn't be suitable elsewhere.

"It's not too underdressed, right?" I ask.

"No, the platform shoes and necklace will add flavor," she says simply. "If he didn't tell you to look somewhat nice, I'm sure he's coming over just as casually."

I realize she has a point. If wherever we're going requires you to look more dressed up than normal, I'm sure he would've made me aware. However, he pretty much just said he'd see me tonight and that was the end of it.

I don't hesitate to change out of the robe I'm currently in and slip into the outfit she handed over considering I don't have much time to dwell on it any further. If Luke shows up a lot more dressed than me, I will give him a hard time for not warning me then run up here to change.

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