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The next few days at school felt weird, too weird.

    It truly seemed as if all eyes were on me every corner I turned which resulted in me wearing a hoodie to school each day since in order to prevent myself from being seen in the slightest.

    Maybe that's dramatic but you wouldn't believe the amount of people who were staring at me just because a few articles of me being seen with Haven Morano got released.

    Okay, maybe it wasn't just a few articles.

    In fact, I got an influx of texts coming in from my phone of people dying to know the story behind the photographs. It felt like every news site reported on the topic and in result, so many people who I haven't even talked to in years were dying to know if Haven Morano and I are dating or not.

    I haven't talked to her since considering I'm sure she's dealing with it in her own way as five times the amount of people are probably prodding her regarding the subject. I felt overwhelmed by the response so I can only imagine how overwhelmed she is.

    I only hope she isn't harassed too much about it because regardless of what she says, I feel guilty about it. I shouldn't have accepted her ride from the school because obviously people would question the two of us being seen together.

    I wasn't thinking at all.

    Walking towards my car, I hear a female voice call for me which immediately grabs my attention as I look up from my phone to see a girl running towards me with a big smile on her lips.

    "Hey," she says. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

    I try not to react the same way as I do on the inside considering I have no idea who the girl standing in front of me is. I force a smile back towards the girl and pretend as if I have the slightest clue as to who she is.

    "Yeah, it's been a minute," I say, clearing my throat in hopes that my tone doesn't give me away.

    "I just wanted to see how you are," she says, grabbing onto a strand of her hair and twirling it for a moment. "You know I just haven't seen you since we-"

    She cuts herself off, a slight blush creeping on her cheeks and I'm suddenly reminded of how I know the girl in front of me. She's one of my one night stands that I had spent the night with after one of our shows.

    I do recall her having snuck out before I woke up and I truly believed it was because she only wanted what I wanted, which was sex. I didn't think anything of it and I certainly didn't think about the fact that she never reached out to me because that's what a one night stand is about, right?

    Having fun for a night and then acting as if it never happened.

    "Yeah," I say, rubbing my hand against the back of my neck. "It's uh, good to see you."

    I find it oddly convenient that the time I do hear from her is days after pictures got released of me with Haven Morano. Is this her attempt to make it seem like what we had is more than what it was? Even after all that time where she acted like it never happened?

    "You too," she says, taking my words to heart as she smiles. "I was just wondering if I could get your number and we could maybe-"

    "Look-" I say, stopping myself as I don't even remember her name.

    She raises her eyebrow, catching onto this immediately as she tries to mask the annoyance it clearly brings upon her.

    "You seem like a great girl and I had a good time with you," I say, wanting to put it in the best way I can in order to make up for the fact that I can't even remember her damn name. "But that's all it was. I figured you agreed considering I haven't heard from you in months."

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