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 "Ten things to know about Haven Morano's mystery, LMU boyfriend."

"Oo, I want to know ten things about Haven's Morano's mystery, LMU boyfriend," Calum says, rushing over to Michael.

I look up from my guitar, watching as him and Michael huddle over Michael's laptop and read whatever article Michael had stumbled upon.

"What does it even say?" Ashton asks, clearly curious as I am myself.

Michael scrolls through his laptop and shakes his head, "More importantly, where do they get this information?"

"My bets are on Calum," Ashton says, myself agreeing with him completely. "He is Luke's number one fan girl."

"Hey, I did not write this article or sell any of Luke's information to TMZ. I have some respect, geez," Calum scoffs.

Disregarding his comment, I ask, "What are the ten things?"

"First one is he's the lead singer of band 5 Seconds- hey, this is actually great promo," Michael says, looking up from the screen as I realize he has a point.

It technically is free promotion and if people are actually interested in this article, maybe they'd be interested in checking out our music. This could be extremely beneficial to us.

"Yeah, so you're welcome," Calum says.

All attention turns to him as he practically admitted that he is linked to this article and clearly doesn't realize his slip up. However, soon it clicks as his face drops and he looks at us with a guilty expression.

"Fine, but I wasn't lying when I said I didn't sell any information or write the article," he says quickly. "I just may have been talking about you loudly to someone in class today and I'm pretty sure the girl next to me was writing down everything I was saying."

I don't know if I should be annoyed or angry, but neither feeling crosses me as I just brush it off. Like we just said, we're getting promotion out of it, so is it that big of a deal?

"What else is in the article?" I ask, wondering if I need to get ready to make it a big deal.

"That you're Australian, studying communications, an excellent pool player, that you were a huge fan of Haven before-"

"What?" I practically scream as my eyes are wide and I silently beg that he made up the last part.

Michael doesn't even seem to notice what he read as he reads it once more and cringes at the screen. An even guiltier look crosses Calum's face as it clicks in his head as well.

"Yeah, I may have mentioned that too."

For christ's sake.

"You done fucked up," Michael says, shaking his head at Calum and I just want to slam my head through a wall.

Of course Calum had mentioned that I was a fan when Haven doesn't know of this at all. I can only imagine her reaction as she finds out she let a fan stay over at her house and even sleep in her bed.

What if she thinks I'm some psycho stalker?

"How was I supposed to know she'd leak it?" Calum asks as if this is in no way his fault.

"You shouldn't have been talking about it in the first place," I say, my tone exhausted. "She's going to think I'm a freak."

"She's not going to think you're a freak-"

"Is there anything else in this article that I need to be aware of?" I ask, cutting off Michael. Do I need to isolate myself for an eternity now? Can I never show my face to her again? Knowing Calum and his loud mouth, he probably mentioned something about boner town considering that seems to be the only thing he talks about now of days.

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