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it was later that night when jisung had came back from his full time job. he didn't like the idea of working his butt off to pay for his living expenses but at a situation like this, he had no choice.

he yawned as he stepped into the building before him, looking around his now new apartment he had rented this year.

now that he was finally an adult, capable of going to university and living by himself, he no longer needed to rely on his parents like what he'd always done. he was finally alone and independent, much to jisung's liking actually.

it was what he'd always dreamt of, being separate from his parents and gaining more freedom over his own life. and now that he'd finally got what he wanted, he couldn't wait and do whatever it was his parents had opposed of.

jisung walked further into the building, about to take the elevator when he realised something. ever since he'd moved into the building, it had always been broken and he didn't know what could've caused it.

whatever it was though, meant that he'd had to walk up 6 flights of stairs every morning. 'i wonder when they're gonna fix it'  he thought to himself before groaning in response - he was exhausted.

however, just when he was about to walk up the stairs like what he'd always done, he soon heard a loud sound of the elevator opening. widening his eyes in shock, he turned his head to the sound to realise that the elevator doors had somehow opened.

there was nothing that could describe how terrified and shock he felt, he didn't expect it at all. was it meant to be scary? or was it just the elevator being its broken self? thoughts came rushing through jisung's head when he came to a conclusion.

'it's probably the elevator being broken.' he thought, shrugging to himself and walking back to shut the door close.

but that wasn't the end, just before he knew it, the sound of the doors opened again, this time much louder. this caused jisung to flinch at the sudden, violent sound, eyes beginning to shake.

maybe it was just the elevator being crazy. he was about to just leave the door open when all of a sudden, he received himself a phonecall. he jumped once more before checking the caller id, it was unknown.

his parents had always taught him not to answer any calls coming from strangers and that was what he was gonna do, something he'd learned from them. following his guts, he cancelled the call before looking at the elevator again.

is it really broken? or is it finally fixed? he blinked a few times, unsure what to do now. should he check if it's broken or not? or should he just walk up the stairs and pretend nothing's happened?

looking over to the stairs, he scrunched his face in disgust, not wanting to walk another 6 flights of stairs again. knowing him, he was a lazy ass who just wanna get to the apartment and sleep properly.

so, with that, he turned his attention to the open, tempted door and decided to walk inside it, hoping that it would finally work. he looked around the elevator to see that there was nothing wrong with it, everything looked fine.

jisung shrugged as his eyes were now set on the floor buttons, deciding one more time if he should get off now or never. with a last final decision, he pressed the button '6' as he waited for the doors to close to which it closed normally before feeling his weight go up.

he smiled in relief that it'd finally worked, now he doesn't have to walk up the stairs ever again. he didn't know when it was fixed since no one told him about it but at this point, he didn't care, he just wanna get over it and have a proper sleep.

as he waited for the elevator to reach his floor, he decided to go on his phone to see that it was exactly 12am. jisung went over to the group chat and immediately typed a message in, earning itself a fast reply.


oi, you dickheads. why haven't you told me that the elevator was working? <

> what do you mean? it's broken

uh, no. it's working fine here <

> changbin's right tho, they say they're gonna have it fixed over the weekends

what are you guys talking about? i'm in the elevator right now and it's working <

> that's weird, is it going up?

> are the buttons working?

jisung looked up from his phone to check what floor he was currently on when he heard a violent crash followed by his weight harshly stopping.

he widened his eyes as he was strongly pushed towards the back of the elevator, hardly landing on the floor with his butt. he was now breathing heavily, eyes trembling at the terrifying moment happening before him. what was going on?

wasn't the elevator working perfectly seconds ago? was he gonna die? is this over for him? what should he do? should he call for help? is there anyone to help him?

fumbling his phone desperately, he quickly texted a message to his friends, hoping that they would be his only chance. was it a bad idea to get in the elevator after all?

> jisung? are you still here?

guys, i need help. the elevator's not- <

but before he could finish his sentence, his phone suddenly turned off.

"fuck!" jisung yelled, wanting to scream from the top of his lungs. as much as he wanted to throw his phone away in anger, he held it back in.

looking over to the floor number, he saw that it was completely blank; no number at all. however, when he felt that everything was calm, he was in the process of standing up until he harshly came contact with the floor again, the numbers finally showing.

but this time, it was decreasing numerously. at this rate, he couldn't see any numbers, it was going down too fast; his whole body felt like he was falling from the sky.

it was impossible, there weren't many floors in this apartment. how was he still going down? he held onto the handle as tight as he could, shutting his eyes and hoping everything was over.

waiting for what felt like years, it abruptly stopped once again. jisung took this chance to finally open his eyes, continuing to hold onto the handle before looking around him.

that was when he saw the floor number.

and it showed up with:

"floor -666."


hows this change of concept? the idea of chan being a demon and jisung ending up in hell intrigues me, ive always wanted to write a ff like this!

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