⭑ Akaza ⭑

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Akaza as your boyfriend~
(s/o is human-so extra care~)

-Akaza would be very careful and loving towards you. He is afraid he could hurt you, thinking of you as being very gentle and fragile that he didnt want to break. He knows that his power is beyond strong, so he is really careful with you.

-Sometimes he would call you 'weak' and and a 'cry baby'. Which he regrets every time. Extra cuddly time~

-He doesn't want to see you cry nor feel weak. He encourages you to get stronger and beat anyone's asses. He is always very proud when you learn from him<3

-He makes sure you don't overwork yourself but still keep in shape.

-When you get sick, he gets a deja vu. But that's what he should least care about now. His s/o is first priority for him to get well soon.

-A habit Akaza has is: when you fall asleep beside him, he likes to stroke your soft hair and hum a song you'd often sing to him.

-So as a very supportive s/o you encourage him to beat upper moon 2 and be much better than him. He loves when your so adorable and totally know who he wants to beat dearly.

-At day time you feel lonely. But your being so creative and do random stuff. So when Akaza visits he often is welcomed with a mess. A real mess..

-He would probably scold you for making such a mess, but the pout you make is killing him. (with cuteness of course..)

-Akaza likes to cool your favorite dishes so he can kepp you healthy and fed well.
Sometimes he steals sweets from stores and brings it to you.

-You love holding his head in your soft and small hands. Stroking his pink hair while he lays on your lap is a must whenever he visits. He secretly enjoys it very much.

-Out of no where he would pick your small frame up and spin you around. „I love you so much (Y/N). I will protect with my whole life no matter what the cost".

-You tell him 'I love you' so much he gets annoyed. For shutting you up he'll kiss you unexpectedly. o.o

-At night he'll take you on the roof and watch the moon. It's his favorite thing to do with you.

-Akaza is your bodyguard and won't let anybody touch you..unless they want to die. Hehe~

-After all, your his precious human girlfriend that he never wants to lose. You'd promised him to stay forever, even if it meant to become demon.

-Your love is a strong bond that nobody could ever explain.

I must say even after i've been away for awhile, he still counts as my favorite among the demons<3

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