⭑ Obanai & Mitsuri ⭑

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You are Obanai's and Mitsuri's eldest daughter with two younger siblings (timeskip)

-Being the oldest daughter of the family, you help your parents out in their little diner shop/bakery (go with that because I wasn't sure what it exactly was).

-You took after your father, with that having his hair and some personality traits of his. But your eyes, oh they are like the ones of your mother, bright and happy.

-Obanai loves that about you
b e c a u s e  u r  h i s  p r e c i o u s 
l i t t l e  b a b y-

-Your other two siblings, to be exactly, twins. A boy named Akihito and a girl named Fuyuko.

-They are copies of Mitsuri and again, Obanai is just like (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ); "My sweet babies"

-And Mitsuri would be like; "Honey..our children"

-As a family of five, you live happily together and no one, like nobody could take your happiness away. And Obanai is making sure of it that his three girls and boy are safe.

-On free days (for the children), the whole family would be in the diner shop/bakery and cook or bake together. Obanai would teach the twins how to do the candy snake decorations.

-The two younger kids are always in awe, their eyes sparkling at how their father does it so easily and they struggle.

-Your watching with your mother who would always laugh at how cute it was that they tried to be as good as their father.

-"Isn't that cute my little (Y/N)? You should try it again!" The woman beamed happily but you could only cringe. The last time you did it, it was chaotic-

-"I'm fine with helping you mom! You it yourself that only dad knows how to do them perfectly!"

-The pink haired woman giggled, patting your head softly; "I know sweetie, let's go back to work! Customer's are waiting".

-On the days you had to go to school and your little siblings, Obanai would always stand outside the door of the shop and watch how the three of you vanished in the distance. To your guys' like, the school wasn't too far away.

-Mitsuri thinks that it's a silly behavior he developed since the day you started shool. And especially how overprotective he is over their little precious beans.

-But whenever the woman would tease him, the male would smile proudly at having a cute and happy family.


-The free days when the shop would be closed and no customer would be waiting, their spent as family days.

-You personally adore it. It's like with every time, the bond between all of you is getting stronger. Plus you get to see your father more smiling and relaxed and not with his usual scowl while working.

-You never understood why and so do the twins.

-And it ends with a family movie with the five of you curled up on the couch, the blanket keeping you all warm and of course the happy laughters of a family.

-When the movie finishes, Obanai is the last awake, with his wife sleeping on his shoulder, you holding the twins in a hug, he would turn off the tv and just stare at his own family.

-"I am so greatful to have a wonderful wife"; he'd kiss Mitsuri's forhead softly and continue; "to have been blessed with a beautiful daughter like you (Y/N)"; then he would press a soft kiss on your head; "and of course to have a twin set which are as joyful as their mother"; kissing Akihito's and Fuyuko's heads the same way he did with yours, the black haired male would snuggle up to his wife and let the sleepiness take over him.

-With a smile on his face, he fell asleep to his and Mitsuri's wonderful family.

I still cherish this one so much..like it brings me so much joy:(( who would've want them as parents???()

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