Chapter 1

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   You woke up and did your morning routine and wore this.

   When I walked outside I saw a bunch of guys standing on the corner of my street

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   When I walked outside I saw a bunch of guys standing on the corner of my street. They saw me and I went back inside noticing who it was. I asked my step mom if she could take me to school since I didn't feel like dealing with them.

  I arrived at the school and I immediately got pushed. I looked up and it was Sana, Taehyungs girlfriend. She's just as rude as him but she bullies me in secret. I just got up and walked to my class. I was a little late so everyone was looking at me when I walked in. Then I got pushed again. I turned around and it was Taehyung.

   Tae: "hurry up you dummy I'm late"
  Y/n: "ugh you bitch" (I whispered )

   I think he might have heard me but I didn't care. I sat all the way in the back of the class room and listened to my music and accidentally fell asleep. The teacher yelled at me but she let this one slide cause it's the first day of school.

   When I woke up Taehyungs friend Jimin was smirking at me. I got scared and put my head back down until he stopped. The bell had rung and I went to lunch. When I saw Blackpink I smiled and went to them.

   Jisoo: "hey y/n is he still bothering"
   Y/n: "yeah but I'll be fine"
   Lisa: "he's such a ass hole. Its literally the first day of school"
   Jennie: "to make you feel better, let's go get some ice cream"
   Y/n: "ok that sounds great"

    I wasn't really sad but ice cream is da best so imma go. When the bell ring we walked to the ice cream that was close by. We ate then walked to our house. I was really tired so I closed my eyes until I heard a ding on my phone. I looked at and there was a text saying...

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