Chapter 17

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I started to cry not knowing what to do

Tae: "ahhhhh it's gonna be ok don't freak out just go get the boys"

There were these people who got in a car and left after they shot Tae. I got the rest of the boys and we helped Tae get to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital a doctor told me someone was here to see me. I was a little skeptical about this but I just went on. Then this tall man looked at me and came up to me

Man: "y/n your coming with me"
   You: "no I'm not"
   Man: "don't talk back just come"

He grabbed my arm

You: "no and don't you ever touch me"

I ran back into the hospital room that Tae was in knowing that he couldn't couldn't let them see him. I told the guys about what happened and now I really can't go anywhere

Ugh I think I just made this even worse. But on the other hand I won't get kidnapped anymore. I asked if someone could come with me and get a drink but they all said I wasn't aloud to leave the so I was left with feeling sandpaper in my thought

All the boys left to get food but made sure I locked the door. I looked at Tae but it was a different look on my face. It wasn't a disgusted look or an annoyed look.

I went over to Taes bed and said something since he was still unconscious

You: "Tae, I know you don't hear me but I want to say this, on the outside  it may seem like I hate you but on the inside I think I like you and I really wanna get to know but you hate me and please stop eating my food whenever you feel like it you greedy baby"
   Tae: "awwwwwwwwww"

I smiled then realized he was up

You: "wait what"

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