Chapter 18

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Tae: "that was adorable"
You: "you were up. For how long. Why didn't wake when I started talking. how much did you hear. WTF."
Tae: "chill I was up for like the whole thing cause I wanted to hear the rest"
You: "omg your such a shrimp dick"
Tae: "what happened to liking me"
You: "I lied "

Then the boys busted threw the door with food in there hands and yelling

J-hope: "omg your up you idiot"
Jungkook: "it's about time you woke up stupid"
Tae: "I feel loved"
Suga: "stop yelling and calling him names he just woke up. Actually when did you get up"
Tae: "like 5 minuets ago"

We ate like pigs and talked for a while.
It's now night time and we were all tired so we went home besides Tae.

        Taes POV

Everyone left and I was left by myself. I tried to get up but my shoulder still hurt from the bullet. I didn't know how to feel about what y/n said. I had a hard time sleeping because I was thinking about her

I was thinking about how we could have a family and stuff but I don't believe in love therefore I will not fall in love with her even though I have to marry her.
Then I had dream


Me and y/n were at the park with a child who seemed like to be ours. We were at the swings pushing the little girl. An ice cream truck came by and we got ice cream and went back to the park

We let the little girl go and play with a little boy and we sat on the bench. When we sitting there we looked at each other in the eyes and we...

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