Chapter 42

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               Y/n POV
   We arrived at a hotel for the night and got some Chinese food. As we were picking our rooms this guy came up to me. He looked 50 and seemed like a perv.
   Guy: "what are you doing here on a beautiful night like this"
   You: "nothing"
   Guy: "come on sweetheart why are being so cold."
   He started to touch my arms and inches his way up to my neck.
  You: "don't touch me."
   I slapped him I tried to run but he grabbed my arm.
   Guy: "come on sweetheart I could give you everything if you come with me baby."
   I slapped him even harder till his face was red.
   You: "don't call me baby."
   I ran to Tae.
   You: "bro that dude came over to me and he was touching me and calling me sweetheart and he even tried to take me but I slapped him."
   Tae: "he touched you and he tried to take you. Oh hell no."
   I looked at him and he seemed angry and he was staring at the guy with "you're dead" eyes. The guy ran away as soon as Tae stared at him. He tried to run after him but I stopped him.
   You: "it's ok I'm here now and safe."
   Tae: "ok but don't leave my side."
   We went to the hotel room and it was really nice. It was a room with only Tae and I so. 
   Tae: "I love you so much"
   You: "I love you to."
   He kissed me and I kissed back. But this time it wasn't passionate it was very aggressive. He took off his shirt so that his abs were out. And I loved it.
   Then he took off my shirt and started caressing my boobs. I didn't have a bra on since I was wearing tank-top that came with one. I started to do quiet moans. Then he attached my neck. My moans were getting louder.
   He went down my neck and he is now kissing my core. Then took off my sweatpants and kissed my thighs then slipping off my underwear.
   I tugged on his pants signing him to take them off. And he did. He took everything off and his lengthy length on top of me.
   Tae: "I guess you like what you see"
   You: "maybe"
   He starts to kiss me roughly again. Then soon after pounding his length into me. I guess I was moaning to loud so he covered my mouth.
   Tae: "quiet down you're gonna wake someone up."
   You: "then I guess they'll have to wake up."
   Tae: "you're naughty."
   You: "only for you."
   We continued then it came to a time where it was to late for this.
   Tae: "love you goodnight sweetheart"
   You: "love you more goodnight baby."
   Then we fell asleep in each other's arms.
   The next day I was pretty sore but I tried to be strong. They were packing up the car while I didn't even bother to get up. Then he told me we have to go. I got up and sat back down.
   Tae: "just let me carry you. You look like you're struggling."
   You: "whatever."
   He picked me up and walked me to the car. Then back on the road we go.

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