Chapter 49

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   It was now a week later and we were going to Jin's funeral. Everything was so gloomy now and none of us knew how to take Jin's death. We all cried as soon as we got there.
   Jin didn't have any parents cause of the mafia. But he did have an older brother who neglected him and used him for money. Idk how he did it. He maintained a happy life with all that going on.
   I went up to Jin's casket.
   You: "Jin I will miss you telling me your corny jokes. And when Tae would leave I would have you to talk to. Thank you for putting up with me and being the shoulder I could cry on. Thank you for making food when no one else would even though I can actually cook but you did it. Thank you for being my best friend. I'm sorry this had to happen to you and it was because of me."
   I started to cry harder.
   You: "Jin I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I know if I wasn't in the picture this wouldn't have happened. You were the best human being in the entire world and you did not deserve this. Jin I love you and I will miss you and I will never forget you, you will never leave my memory. Goodbye."
   I wrote this all on his casket and turned around to see Blackpink.
   Lisa: "awwwww y/n I promise we'll get through this."
   You: "it just hurts it hurts so bad."
   Then I paused.
   You: "I missed you guys."
   You pulled them in for a group hug.
   Jisoo: "we miss you to.
   She giggled. Then Tae came over.
   Tae: "hey baby you ok. I know this is gonna be hard but we can get through this. Just think how happy he's gonna be when we get married."
   You: "I guess you're right."
   Tae: "also I have some good news after our honeymoon Blackpink is moving in with us."
   You: "wait really yay. I'm excited but when is the wedding."
   Tae: "that's next weekend."
   You: "ok let's go say bye to Jin one last time ok."
   We all went up to his tombstone and said our prayers and goodbyes and left.
   After that we went and ate some ramen. I miss when Jin would cook. I just realized life will never be the same without Jin. Tae pulled me in for a hug cause he noticed I looked a little sad.
   Tae: "y/n it hurts to see you sad."
   You: "but I feel like it's my fault."
   Tae: "listen you beautiful princess don't ever blame yourself for this. Blame Jungkook for everything that happened. It was not your fault. Please don't put all that stress on yourself like that."
   You: "but..."
   Tae: "but nothing please just relax and clear your mind. Fill it with happy thoughts."
   You: "I'll try."
   Tae: "good."
   A few moments later I fell asleep on Taes lap and he carried me to the room and he fell asleep too.

   It's now the next morning and I feel more relaxed but still a little sad. This time Tae made breakfast instead of Jin. I just wasn't the same without him. But this is how life is gonna be from now on.
   Tae: "sweetheart come eat."
   You: "ok I'll be down in a minute."
   I washed my face and had a little talk with myself. Then I realized Tae and I are getting married next week. that put in a happier mood.
   I walked out the room and got ran over by Jimin.
   You: "Jimin why are you running."
   Jimin: "I heard breakfast was ready so I ran."
   You: "Jesus it's literally 9am."
   Jimin: "sorry."
   he ran down the stairs.
   Suga: "this dude."
   You: "haha that's your manz."

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