Chapter 15

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   I woke the next morning in complete shock. I WAS IN TAES ARMS STILL. gross I thought he'd be gone by now I hurried up and got from the bed.

Tae: "where are you going"
   You: "ummm to the bathroom"

He went back to sleep even though I was really hoping he would leave. I went downstairs to the greatest of all time JIN.

Jin: "good morning beautiful I made pancakes"
   You: "yaaaassssss"

The rest came downstairs except Tae. I guess I should go get him or something like that. And there he was sleeping peacefully on the bed. He looks kinda cute... I need to throw myself away and stop thinking.

You: "wake and come eat"
   Tae: "leave me alone stupid"
   You: "geez all I said was come eat."
   Tae: "leave"
   You: "I hope you die from starvation"

I walked out of the room laughing at myself from that last comment. I know it sounds evil but it wasn't like an argument it was like play fighting so no hard feelings were made. Hopefully.

You: "he didn't come down so idk what's wrong with him"
   Suga: "what did he say"
   You: "he called me stupid and told me leave so I told him I hope he dies from starvation"
   Suga: "something I would say so your ok"
   Jungkook: y/"n we're having a pool party so get ready"
   You: "oohhh fun"

I went back up to my room and this dude is still on my bed. The fuck is he still doing here.

You: "bruh get out I have to change into my bathing suit"
   Tae: "what's wrong with me being in here while you change"
   You: "absolutely everything you perv"
   Tae: "ok see ya"

He got out of my room without even yelling or calling me names wow I'm impressed.

I went to the pool and all the boys were outside including a few other people

J-hope: "your finally here what took you so long"
   You: "I don't kn..."
   Tae: "you look sexy as hell"
   You: "tf keep you eyes off of me"

It was at peace until this big dude barged in.

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