Chapter 37

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   It's the morning and I refuse to get out of bed. I looked around my room and saw a note on my dresser. It said,
   "Hey y/n this is Tae writing this note we'll be gone for a while so we made you breakfast for when you got up. Also there's some ramen in the cupboard for lunch. If you need anything just call Rm. also make sure you don't leave the house ok. See ya soon. Love you sweetheart."
   Love, Tae

   This is great now I can explore more. Also I smell the breakfast I'm about to demolish. Also why is he so sweet and cute.
   When I was done eating I went back to the bookcase. And read some of the notes. Some of them were locked up so I couldn't get to them. But I got to read one and I have to...MARRY TAE AWWWW 🥰.

   He's so cute and fun I can't wait but why I'm like 2 what am I gonna do with a husband. Maybe this is why Jungkook can't like me. Anyways, I started to look at the maps and the points. As I was looking at it I saw MAFIA.
    What the fuck am I in a mafia or some shit. I would ask question but then they'll know I was here but wtf. Am I being kidnapped. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions I'll just ask Tae again.
   It was 5:00 now and they still aren't back. So I decided to step out for a bit. Midway to the restaurant I was going to I remembered I wasn't supposed to be out. So I ran back so I didn't get in trouble.
   Ah shit they're here already.
   Tae: "y/n oh my god I thought someone kidnapped you I'm so glad you're safe. Where did you go. And why are you out of breath."
   He hugged throughout that.
   You: "well I was gonna go to a restaurant but then I realized what the note said so I ran back but you guys were already here so it didn't work."
   Tae: "don't do it again ok sweetheart."
   You: "ok but speaking of kidnap. Why am I here. I think I'm ready for it."
   Tae: "ummm ok fine. Get comfortable"
   We stopped hugging and went to the big couch and I Laid my head down on Taes lap.
   Tae: "ok let me get to the point you're apart of a mafia."
   I pretend to act shocked even though I'm a rat for looking.
   Tae: "yeah and your friends were Blackpink."
   Actually I'm shocked shocked.
   Tae: "also you were mad because you were being forced to umm marry me."
   Acts shocked again
   You: "why was I mad at this idea."
   Tae: "you used to hate me because..."
   You: "wait I used to hate you impossible"
   Tae: "there's a reason to why we used to hate each other. It's because I bullied you a lot because I was jealous of how pretty you were but I was forced to date this girl named Sana which is the one who shot you. And you would always come in looking well like that and it made Sana angry so to make her happy and stop complaining I bullied you. But now that I think about it I am idiot for doing it."
   You: "yeah you are how could you bully this charm dude. And I'm not that cute she shouldn't have been jealous."
   Tae: "your right you're drop dead gorgeous."
   I started to blush right then and there but I put the sweatshirt I was wearing over my face.
   Tae: "I don't think you realize your beauty. Anyways back to the truth also your dad is in America trying to help the mafia."
   You: "wait I don't have a mom. Right."
   Tae: "right sorry about that"
   You: "it's all good"
   Then all of them came in with a bunch of ribs and fries. Thank god I'm hungry.
   You: "how many ribs are there."
   Jimin: "like 70"
   Tae: "let's eat then"
   We ate and Then we brung everything down to the game room and started eating there. And we even let Jimin drink🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Bad idea.
   Me and Tae decided to finish the conversation tomorrow since this wonderful disruption happened.

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