Chapter 11

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   Tae: "you said you were gonna forgive me"
   Y/n: "about the things before that and why me"
   Tae: "idk"
   Y/n: "I thought you hated me"
   Tae: "look I'm sorry but if I didn't choose I'd have to marry some other girl who's stuck up and rich"
   Y/n: "it's literally you but I could see why I'm better than her but what about Sana"
   Tae: "idk I just was thinking of you at the time"
   Y/n: "are you still her girlfriend"
   Tae: "I haven't talked to her in a while so"
   Then his phone started to ring.
   Tae: "I have to go sorry we'll talk about this later"

He left but I had a lot more questions to ask. I'm so mad right now. I went downstairs to get some water. I saw Tae holding a gun up to someone's head I was gonna scream but I got pulled by someone

Y/n: "ah..."
   ?: "shhh it's just me. your not supposed down here, someone could see you"
   Y/n: "who is me"
   ?: "Jungkook"
   Y/n: "oh"
   Jungkook: "now let's go"

He took me outside to this cellar like place. And locked the door and hovered over me

Jungkook: "Tae loves you right"
   Y/n: "idk if he does or not"
   Jungkook: "do you want to be mine"

He leaned over and attempted to kiss me. But I moved out the way and said no.

I got out of the cellar and tried to go back in the house but he kept grabbing me and telling me I couldn't go back in there. He was to strong and took me back in the cellar and left me there.

It was night time and he still didn't get me. I was banging on the door but it seemed like nobody heard me. I started to cry cause I just hated being alive at this point

I grabbed a piece of glass and was about end it all again but Tae came in and took the piece of glass out of my hand and it cut himself from his fast reactions

Tae: "Jungkook told me what he did to you but please don't kill yourself I need you"
   Y/n: "I'm sorry I'm so sorry but I saw trying to kill someone"

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