Chapter 12

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   Tae: "y/n I'm so sorry you had to see that but it was for your safety"
   You: "so you killed him"
   Tae: "no I didn't kill him I scared him so it would look like I was about to kill him but I just wanted answers"

I still had tears in my eyes. I looked at His hand and saw all the blood. I almost passed out from it I'm surprised he didn't pass out.

You: "Tae your hand"
   Tae: "I got it, just go inside and rest ok"
   You: "ok"

I went to my room and cleaned myself up from the dirt that was on me. Then Tae came in my room I saw the bandage on his hand and felt so bad

You: "I'm sorry I really am I didn't mean it"
   Tae: "you didn't mean what"
   You: "for you to cut yourself"
   Tae: "it's my fault for pulling it out of your hands. I came here to talk about the situation"
   You: "ok. So what your saying here is I'm being forced to marry to you"
   Tae: "not if you fall in love with me"
   You: "you wish you slut"
   Tae: "yeah I know your huge slut for me"
   You: "get out"
   Tae: "no it's not my fault your a slut"
   You: "I'm NOT A SLUT. anyways where's my dad right now"
   Tae: "He's in America because he had to run away from his enemies. So I took you and asked him if I could marry you and protect you and he said yes and if I fail at that I get killed"
   You: "so he just left me here without even saying anything to me not even a goodbye. Also you're sacrificing your life for me"
   Tae: "I guess you could say that and I'm sorry about this but it was for your own safety. I have to go if wanna talk about it again ask me"

And with he left but I'm so mad a have to marry this horrible person all he does is make fun of me and push me around. He also makes the most perverted jokes ever

I went outside and saw Jungkook again he grabbed and said he was sorry and he was drunk at the time but I rolled my eyes went to get something to eat.

You: "JIN"
   Jin: "Y/n"
   Your: "are making you making chicken cause I'm starving and I love chicken"
   Jin: "just for you"

He smiled at me and I smiled back and gave him
A hug. The rest of them came downstairs to eat and we had a pretty good conversation

It was almost to good to be true. I noticed Tae was gone. That makes sense. Then someone got a call

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