Chapter 5

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I woke up on the bed that Jungkook took me to earlier. My head hurt really bad and I had a cast on my leg. I was just in pain right now. I looked to my left and saw Taehyung. He scared the shit out of me cause I didn't know he was there. I fell off the bed hurting even more.

Taehyung: "stupid"
Y/n: "who are you calling stupid"
Taehyung: "here let me help you up"
Y/n: "umm no thank you"

He helped me up anyways since my leg was was basically dead. But I really think he has a problem with listening cause he never answers any of my questions. Anyways I'm still in pain because I'm an idiot.

Y/n: "thank you now can I leave please we have school"

He walked away as if I didn't say anything. Tf is wrong with him. Next time I ask him a question and he walks away I'm slapping him So hard he won't be able to see tomorrow.

I saw crutches next to me so I got them and tried to leave but the doors were locked. I knocked on the door hoping someone one would answer. Awhile later someone came to get me.

Jin: "hey y/n wanna come down for lunch"
Y/n: "yeah sure"

I smiled when I saw Jin cause he's really funny and the only one that really talks to me nicely. I went down and ate a sandwich cause I was mad hungry. When I was done I saw the front and tried to run out of it but when I did the door opened and I ran into Taehyung. Also I was really slow because of the crutches

Y/n: "Taehyung"
Taehyung: "just call me Tae from now on and your in big trouble now."

I started to get scared cause I didn't know what was gonna happen so I just followed him back in. He noticed how I couldn't go upstairs so he carried me up there. Then he hit me. And Usually he just pushes me me but he slapped me across my face harder than I could even imagine. My face started to sting.

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