Chapter 39

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             Taes POV
  It's now y/ns birthday today and I got to choose our outfits and it was this.

   I thought it was adorable but she still hasn't woke up yet

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   I thought it was adorable but she still hasn't woke up yet. Since I woke up so early, I'm gonna surprise her with it. I also decorated her room with streamers and put  the gift I got her on her bed.
   Tae: "happy birthday y/n"
   I hugged her up. And she woke up confused.
   You: "awww thanks baby."
   Tae: "no problem honey anything for you I got you something."
   You: "ooh let me see."
   Tae: "I picked it out for you for when we go to the amusement park."
   You: "the amusement park omg I can't wait. Thank you so much I love it. I love you"
   She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back.
   It was now 11 am and we went off to the place. When we arrived her skirt went up a little bit so I pulled it down so no one else could see.
   You: "I can't wait to ride the big one over there."
   Tae: "then let's go."
   We raced to the ride but it was to far back so we ran out of breath before we even got to the ride.
   Tae: "I didn't know it was this far back."
   You: "I'm about to have an asthma attach. Jesus that was the most I've ever ran."
   Rm: "how about you guys be civil and walk the rest of the way like normal people."
   He said as they were a long distance away from us. As we waited for them we caught our breaths and walked with them.
   We finally arrived to the biggest ride there.
   When we got on the ride I could already tell y/n was scared to get on.
   Tae: "you ok there buddy"
   You: "yeah ofc I'm never scared"
   The ride started to go and she was already scared. She held on to my hand really tightly.
   You: "Tae I lied I'm really scared I want to get off."
   Tae: "it's gonna be ok baby I'm right here."
   You: "no duhh I know your right there bu..."
   Before she could finish her sentence we dropped and she almost broke my fingers. I was laughing the whole time cause she was screaming so loud.
   You: "Tae why tf are you laughing ahhhhhhhhhh."
   After all the screaming, the loops, the drops, it was done. I looked over at y/n who was completely frightened.
   You: "omg it's over."
   Tae: "what next."
   You: "second biggest ride. This time I'll be calmer since I know what it's like."
   Tae: "ok."
   Jin: "guys I'm hungry let's go get food."
   We ended up getting a box of pizza.
   I noticed Jungkook didn't look like he was having much fun so I went up and talked to him.
   Tae: "hey Jungkook you seem down what's wrong."
   Jungkook: "I don't know if I wanna tell you."
   He said that with a cold expression.
   Tae: "please Jungkook I promise I won't get mad or anything."
   Jungkook: "fine I'm jealous of you and y/n. And when I see you and her hanging out all the time I get upset because I like her to. Don't beat me up."
    Tae: "oh umm I don't know what to say about that but I'm sorry Jungkook she's mine"
   Jungkook: "I know Tae I'm sorry I'll forget about ever liking her."
   Tae: "umm ok"
   I feel bad for Jungkook but I love her to.

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