Chapter 33

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It was a figure but not a human at all. It was some kinda shadow above me and then I woke up in a different place like I was in a hospital wait am I up from a dream. That was just a dream

Taes POV
We went back into the room and started to talk with y/n.
Tae: "I know you probably don't remember me but if you did you would miss me as much as I miss you"
Jungkook: "I missed your cute little face to"
I looked at Jungkook with a mean stare. He looked at me back and mouthed sorry.
Tae: "when we can take you home I'll tell you about your life and stuff like that ok sweetheart"
You: "ok you guys are so nice can't wait to talk to guys soon bye"
Jungkook and Tae: "bye see you tomorrow"
Tae: "bruh I'm hungry let's get some pizza"
Jungkook: "Yaaaassssss the bois are gonna love this"
When we got home we had a ton of pizza and a game night but I wish y/n could have some fun to. I called y/ns dad to tell him about the news he's super excited right now he wants to come visit her soon.
I sent my dad a note but he still hasn't replied back but it's been a week. Maybe it didn't get there or maybe he doesn't want to talk to me or maybe he's been caught maybe it's still sending. I'll stop worrying about it.

Jungkooks POV
When I saw y/n I really missed her cute ways and that's when I noticed I liked her. I've been trying to deny it but it keeps coming back she's just so cute. I want her to be mine but I know Tae will kill me so I guess I have to deal with these feelings.
I decided to go to the hospital when everyone was asleep so I could go see y/n.
When I was at the hospital y/n was still awake when I walked in the room. She smiled when she saw me.
Y/n: "hi ummmm Jungkook that's your name"
Jungkook: "hi y/n I wanted to see your face again so I decided to come again"
She held her arms out for a hug. When we hugged I didn't want to let go so I stayed there for a while but in the span of three seconds she fell asleep in my arms.
Jungkook: "y/n...y/n hello are you asleep"
I tried to get up but she kept groaning I laid down with her for while till I noticed it was 2 in the morning. I loved every moment of it but to bad she can't be mine.
I left y/n a note about this so Tae doesn't think anything is up.

I woke up and noticed that Jungkook wasn't there anymore then I looked over and there was a note next to me. It said

"Y/n you fell asleep so I decided to leave don't tell Tae about this because he is gonna get mad at me if he knows I was with you. Thank you very much sweetheart"

Why would Tae get mad oh well not my problem. But I just noticed I fell asleep in Jungkooks arms must've been comfortable.
I looked over and saw a picture of me and a random man but then I realized that man looked really familiar I started having flashbacks and realized it my father. Then a bunch a boys walked in my room.
I started to smile when I saw everyone because I was happy to see faces again. I'm surprised I'm friends with this many people.
Jin: "y/n I missed you"
Suga: "omg how did you wake up prettier than you were"
Rm: "I'm so happy you're awake"
They hugged me one by one. They were all so loving. did they really miss me. Was I really that good. I don't think so but it's whatever.

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