Chapter 45

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            Jungkook POV
   I woke up, got ready and went to where Taes enemies could be. It was a long trip back but I made it. When I arrived I was scared but I had to do this.
   I knocked on the door. And I got punched right in my face.
   Jungkook: "wait wait wait. I'm not here to destroy you guys I'm here to make a deal I promise."
   Guy: "hmmm are you sure you're just here for that or do I need to kill you."
   Jungkook: "no I might have something you want."
   Guy: "hmm tell me the plan by the way my names Jackson wang."
   Jungkook: "thank you Mr. Wang. Anyways so you know how we have y/n."
  Jackson: "yes."
   Jungkook: "well if we kill Tae and capture all the other members we could take y/n. But she's mine and only mine."
   Jackson: "ok but if you're lying to us we will kill you and everyone else besides y/n we need her."
   Jungkook: "got it."
   We shook hands and he showed me where I sleep where we do the planning and other cool stuff. Can't wait for this to work.

             Taes POV
   Is Jungkook stupid or something. Does he not know he has a tracker on his damn phone. This dumbass dude, this is why you got kicked out.
   Welp I guess we gotta be prepared. Time to start training.
   Tae: "Guys come downstairs now."
   Suga: "boi I was comfortable in my bed. You always got something to say don't you."
   Tae: "Suga shut up. We have to start getting prepared."
   Jimin: "for what."
   Tae: "we could possibly get attacked by one of my enemies cause that's where Jungkook is right now and he hasn't died yet so I know he's planning something. Cause he's with the group right now at a training area."
   Suga: "what a dumbass."
   Tae: "Ikr he didn't think at all."
   Rm: "when do we get started."
   Tae: "Tomorrow."

               Y/n POV
   I wanted to ask Tae why we're getting attacked cause if it's because of me then I feel really bad that we have to do this.
   You: "Tae can I ask you something."
   Tae: "go ahead sweetheart."
   You: "do we have to do this because of me. Am I the reason why we're getting attacked cause if I am I'm sorry."
   Tae: "don't be sorry it's not your fault Jungkooks a bitch. As long as we keep each other safe then we got this but we can't give up on each other, if one of us is in danger we're all in danger ok. We do this because we love each other."
   You: "ok we got this we will beat them also please don't let them get to me please I want to be with you."
   Tae: "I gotchu."
   We got ready for the day and went out to eat for lunch. But the fun thing about is we can't go anywhere without acting like a total fool.
   We started doing asmr but Jin was actually really good so we all got jealous and started throwing breadsticks at him. Then we got yelled at by the workers. Oop.
   Basically after that moment we finished and left.

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