Chapter 20

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               Your POV
   I called in Jungkook to talk to him since he's the "closest to Tae" to what's up with him

   You: "JUNGKOOK"
   Jungkook: "one minute I'm coming"
   You: "do you know what's wrong with Tae he hasn't been talking to me at all and I'm concerned"
   Jungkooks: "no I'm sorry"
   You: "oh ok then thanks anyway tho"
   Jungkook: "no problem"

    Then I went downstairs to see if Tae was there sadly he wasn't. I mean thank god he wasn't there.

    Then Tae walked into the door with Sana. Boi I was about to jump this bitch when she gave me a dirty look. I went back to my room feeling some type of way.

    That's when I heard talking through the door.

     Tae: "Sana I have to tell you something"
   Sana: "what's up baby"
   'Cringy ass couple anyways'
   Tae: "I'm breaking up with you. I'm really not feeling the spark anymore and I think we should just break up"
   Sana: are you fucking serious. I have done everything I could to be with you and all of a sudden you break up with me. YOU ARE SUCH A CUNT BUCKET I HATE YOU AND DATING YOU WAS THE WORST THING I'VE EVER DONE. bye Tae hope to never see you again"
   Tae: "ok hope we can play iMessage games"

    Then she slammed the door and went away. Wait did Tae just break up with Sana because of me. It can't be he's not even talking to me and he hates me. Damn maybe I'm overthinking it.

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