Chapter 19

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   Stopped looking each other but then she grabbed my face and kissed me but then I woke up from my disgusting roommates barging in. The dream was just getting good... wait a minute I mean It was literally disgusting.

Jungkook: "TAE what the fuck is up my dude"
   Tae: "where are the rest in"
   Jungkook: "the car debating on what we're gonna eat"
   Tae: "oh ok what did you guys do when y'all got home"
   Jungkook: "just sleep only sleep"

The rest came up with some Panda Express and boi I was gonna cry from how good the food taste.
   After that we went home.

Your POV

We all we all went home even Tae but I noticed something was different about Tae. He didn't talk to me at all when I got there or when we got home

You: "Tae why aren't you bugging me like you usually do"
   Tae: "huh oh I'm sorry I gotta go"
   You: "wait talk to me please"
   Tae: "sorry y/n but no leave me alone"

When he said that it kinda broke me a little bit but maybe this was a good thing. Maybe he hates me even since I "confessed" to him.

But we did get along really well like 2 days ago what happened to him.

        Taes POV

I wanted to talk to y/n but if I did I knew that I was just gonna kiss her when I looked at her so I didn't talk to her at all.

I actually wanted to marry her but I don't think she wants to marry me back which is kinda depressing. I hate her for this I'm not supposed to fall in love with her.

Tae: "Jimin come downstairs"
   Jimin: "hey butt cheek"
   Tae: "I had a dream about y/n and I ki..."
   Jimin: "you killed y/n in your dream WTF"
   Tae: "Jimin shut up I was gonna say kissed her you idiot and now I think I'm in love with her"
   Jimin: "good luck buddy should've chose Sana for this"
   Tae: "your literally helpless"
   Jimin: "we'll figure something out later ok"

Then he left me with all these thoughts in my head that were driving me insane.

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