Chapter 10

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   When we arrived there it was literally the most beautiful thing I have ever saw in my life. This mansion was bigger than the other one.


Y/n: "OMG you have a tiger this is amazing"
   Tae: "I'm taking it back in a few days so don't get your hopes high"
   Y/n: "whatever"

After a while we all we all took a nap in our rooms. But I started to cry cause I missed Blackpink and everyone back home. It's not fair why do I have to be here. When everyone wakes up I'm gonna ask why I'm here. Then Tae wakes in my room.

Tae: "sup loser"
   Y/n: "get out you bitch"
   Tae: "hey watch your mouth young lady"

He hovered over you with a mad looking face.

Y/n: "why are so mean ugh I hate you"
   Tae: "deal with it then"
   Y/n: "how do you have friends your such a jerk"
   Tae: "yeah I know you want to jerk my dick"
   Y/n: "stop doing that"
   Tae: "Hahahaha you set yourself up for that one"
   Y/n: "you ain't funny"
   Tae: "your right I was serious you think I am kidding ha your funny"
   Y/n: "get out and I'm serious"

I gave him a serious face and he left. Then he left then I grabbed him

Y/n: "wait I have a question"
   Tae: "what"
   Y/n: "why am I here and who's looking for me and why didn't my father do anything about it"

He pulled out his phone and it looked like he called my dad it looked like he said it was time to tell me something.

Tae: "will you forgive me if I tell you"
   Y/n: "yes please"
   Tae: "yay...I mean ok. so here's the truth, you know how we are apart of a mafia well so is your ummm dad and that's why he's not there sometimes and he had to marry that girl so the business could keep going. But the thing here is I need a wife and chose YOU to be my wife. And the reason"

Y/n: "wait a damn minute you have to marry me, hell to naw"

Forced// kthxyou// mafia ffWhere stories live. Discover now