Chapter 26

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Taes POV
Tae: "guys get off your lazy asses and come downstairs"
Suga: "ask me nicely and I will"
Everyone: "yeah"
Tae: "fine can everyone please come downstairs I need to talk to you guys"
Suga: "good enough"

     They all came downstairs and I told them about what was gonna happen to y/n. Now I have to tell them the plan hopefully at least half of them agree.

      Tae: "guys the doctor found out about what was gonna happen to y/n. She gonna have memory loss."
Jungkook: "noooooooo my poor bab..."
Tae: "what was that Jungkook"
Jungkook: "my poor baboon. Don't jump to conclusions like that lover boi"

      Tae: "whatever but I have a plan. If y/n lost her memory then she can't remember anything"
Rm: "yes that's common sense"
Tae: "you didn't let me finish. As I was saying we could have a new start with her so she knows we're all great people do y'all agree"
Jimin: "I'm already perfect"

      Rm: "I'm pretty sure that's just for you to get a good start with her cause we're already good with her"
Jungkook: "honestly yeah Tae he's right it's only for you"
Everyone agrees with Rm.

     Jin: "but if that's what you wanna do then do it I'm not apart of your plan but she will probably find out"
Tae: "I guess I'll just have to think about it now"

Y/n dream/mind  

     My face instantly turned worried but confused at the same time from his expression.
You: "what's wrong are you ok"
Tae: "Jeremiah hit Layla because they were playing a game and she's crying"
You: "oh no"

    You, Tae, and Jimin ran to the room that they were in but there were more kids. wtf where were these children

     You: "wait what there's more children"
Tae: "y/n are you ok you've known these children for a while now"
You: "huh"
Jimin: "there names are..."

(Imma just put the family's on another post)👍👍👍

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