Chapter 46

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   I got up by Tae jumping on me.
   You: oww"
   I groaned slowly.
   Tae: "get ready we need to be start working."
   You: "later I just need to finish my dream."
   Tae: "nope get up all the others are waiting for you ok."
   You: "fine. I'll get up."
   I took a shower, put on some clothes and went downstairs to all them looking at me.
   You: "what"
   Jimin: "that was the slowest someone as ever taken to get ready."
   Suga: "I almost fell asleep again"
   You: "oops."
   I giggled not knowing how to react.
   Tae: "everybody hop in the car we're going to a shooting range."
   When we arrived there I was pretty scared cause I've never held a gun. At least I don't think I have.
   Tae handed me a gun and some protective clothes and was behind me trying to fix my position and where to aim the gun.
   Tae: "now shoot."
   You: "umm I'm a little scared."
   Tae: "don't worry about it, you got this, just relax."
   You: "ok"
   I closed one eye to make sure i had the perfect aim. I shot and it was perfect.
   Tae: "whoah that was really good for your first time."
   You: "I know"
   I shot another bulletin the exact same place causing the bullet to go to the wall.
   Jin: "ok y/n stunt on these hoes real quick. You're better than Tae.
   You: "Jin I can't with you anymore."
   Tae: "hey Jin I'll shoot you."
   Jin: "oop it's not my fault it's the truth."
   Tae: "you know what you big shouldered princess, fuck off and eat a bag of knuckles"
   You: "lol I cannot"
   We practiced for about an hour and left.
   When we got home Tae made us go through some drills and I was hella tired.
   You: "Tae when are we gonna be done."
   Tae: "aww baby are you tired."
   You: "no duhhh we've done everything in the workout book at least twice today."
   Tae: "hmmm we can take a break."
   He called all the boys and told them to take a break.
   Jhope: "it's about time. Tae how are you not having an asthma right now like the rest of us."
   Tae: "cause I used to do this when I was younger."
   Jimin: "Jesus."
   Tae: "ok guys let's go inside get hydrated and discuss the plan."
   Suga: "holy shit I got a cramp."
   He fell to the ground and started screaming while we were just laughing.
   Suga: "oh so y'all think this is funny. Shove a jump rope up your asses."
   You: "sheesh I bet you would like to shove it up Jhope and Jimins."
   Suga: "I wouldn't mind."
   Jhope: "bro that's gay."
   Suga: "nooo I thought it was straight."
   Tae: "did you just come out or were you joking."
   Suga: "no I'm gay af."
   We all looked at Suga with a shocked face. Then started clapping.
   Jimin: "yayyyyy he's finally came out."
   Jimin hugged Suga.
   You: "so you knew he was."
   Jimin: "honey we're dating."
   Suga: "whoah there Jimin you were quick to tell them weren't ya."
   Tae: "welp congratulations now let's discuss this plan. So if we here random gun shots or anything strange. Jin you're gonna take y/n to the basement and lock her in there."
   You: "can he stay with me."
   Tae: "no he needs to fight with us. But I will give you a gun since you're pretty good with them. Back to the plan, I already know there gonna try to kill me but the problem is I don't know when."
   After even more talking we finally sorted something out. After that I couldn't move cause I was a sore sack of shit. So everyone got up and just laid there on the couch.
   Tae: "awwww you don't have to work out tomorrow."
   You: "there was a tomorrow of that. Never that"
   Tae: "how about we just snuggle up on the couch and watch kdramas sound good."
   You: "yayyyyyyy orange marmalade?"
   Tae: "yup let's do it."
   We finished the day off by watching kdramas and eating chicken wings.

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