Chapter 40

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   We went on the second biggest roller coaster and this time she looked like she had fun and wasn't terrified.
   We rode a bunch of other roller coasters and we also went to the arcade. Then sadly we left the amusement park. But the night wasn't over yet. I took y/n to the top of the mountains to see the view. Then we took this picture.

    It took a while to take since no one was there but we did it and it looks beautiful

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    It took a while to take since no one was there but we did it and it looks beautiful. It was a very special place to me since I was a kid. So I took y/n up here cause she's very special
   You: "thank you so much for everything. I love you Tae."
   Then she pulled me in for a tight hug.
   Tae: "you're welcome and I love you more."
   Then I kissed her. And she kissed me back. I was so happy for this moment. We talked a lot up there and then we decided to leave. But before we left I did this.
   Tae: "y/n wait I have to ask you something."
   I got down on one knee
   Tae: "will you marry me and be the love of my life and be the reason why I wake up everyday."
   Tae: "yay"
   We hugged and kissed each other once again. Then walked back down holding hands.
  On the way home we did karaoke songs and she's a pretty good singer shook.
   It was like 1 am so everyone was drained and fell asleep when we got home.
   You: "Tae can I sleep with you tonight please."
   Tae: "ofc you can."
   Then we went to bed in each other's arms.

                Y/n POV
   I'm so happy Tae proposed to me and now we can be together. I love him so freaking much no one knows how much I love him.
   I asked Tae if I could sleep with him he said yes. And now I wake up in his arms.
   You: "Tae sweetie good morning"
   Tae: "good morning sweetheart"
   He smiled at me and went to the bathroom.
   I went downstairs to see Jin cooking breakfast.
   You: "hiiiii jiiinnn what are you making"
   Jin: "someone seems happier than usual."
   You: "hmmm I wonder why"
   Jin: "what happened while you two were gone. If you guys had sex then you can skip."
   You: "what no but I'm not gonna tell you yet ok."
   Jin: "ok but you know what I'm gonna tell you"
   You: "let me guess a joke"
   Jin: "yes. What do you call a fat psychic...a four-chin teller. Hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk."
   You: "bahahahhaha Jin you're so corny I love it."
   Then Tae came downstairs shirtless and back hugged me.
   Jin: "now I know something's up"
   Tae: "you're right but we'll tell you when all of them are awake."
   Jin: "fine but I'm gonna wake them up now cause the food is ready."
  You: "ooh yay."
We all ate and then we gathered them all in the living room.
   You: "we have a very special thing to say. Tae and I are getting married"
   Bts: "😱😱😱😱"

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