Chapter 38

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             Taes POV
   I am surprised of how y/n is handling all this. She's even didn't freak out when I told her I used to bully. She became a lot more calmer, I thought she was gonna beat me up.
   Also she acted happy when I told her I have to marry her. So I guess it's not a forced marriage if she's excited right. We'll see.

              Your POV
   I can't wait to marry Tae and have a happy life with him. He's seems loving and caring even though he bullied me for a bit. But that doesn't matter there's a good in every one.
   Anyways I'm gonna ask Tae if we can talk a bit more about this.
   You: "Tae can we talk more about the stuff."
   Tae: "ok."
   He gave me a big boxy smile and I smiled back.
   Tae: "where did we leave off at. Oh Yeah about your dad he has a new girlfriend she's very sweet and used to make you breakfast and dropped you off at school sometimes in the morning. And now to the things you missed when you were gone."
   You: "things happened when I was gone to. Dang was it interesting."
   Tae: "idk if you would call it interesting but it was a lot. So not a lot happened. I got poisoned by my ex girlfriends dad but I'm still alive."
   You: "you act like that was a normal thing that happen to you."
   Tae: "when you're apart of the mafia worse could happen. Also my dad died but didn't die"
   You: "what's that supposed to mean."
   Tae: "there was this bomb that went off. And he knew about so your dad hired hired a look-a-like for the bomb and is now hiding somewhere."
   You: "do you know where"
   Tae: "no he can't tell me that. So now we send letters to each other to communicate."
   You: "ohh ok how about my dad."
   Tae: "he doing just fine just a little worried about you. We also talk sometimes."
   You: "can I talk to him.
Tae: "Yes but only when he has the time."
   We saw Jimin and Suga behind the doorway talking.
   Jimin: "look at them in there being all cute."
   Suga: "Taes turned soft for her."
   Jimin and Suga: "Hahahaha"
   You: "shut up we can here you dummies."
   Suga: "we know"
   You: "lol wow"
   Tae: "anyways that's about it if there's more I'll tell but that's it for right now."
   You: "ok bye future husband."
   He smiled and laughed and I did the same thing and left.

               Taes POV
   Awww she called me her future husband. So she's not even mad. She's so different. She's so cute.
   Suga: "haha Taes soft now. I've never seen you act like this before."
   Tae: "shut up dude. And so what I love her she's my soon to be wife. You're just jealous."
   Jimin: "We're not jealous... right Suga"
   Suga: "riiggghhhttt Jimin"
   They didn't look innocent and left the room fast. I knew it.
   Tae: "wait guys do want to go to amusement park for y/ns birthday."
   All: "yaaaassssss. That'll be fun."
  Tae: "ok"
           Fast forward
   It is two days before y/ns birthday and I've been spoiling this whole week. She says she doesn't need it but I'm gonna give it to her.

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