Chapter 50

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   It was now three days before the wedding and Tae and I split our ways for the bachelor and bachelorette party. We went to Paris to get married so Idk where the boys went but we went to this fancy restaurant for the first night.
    By we I mean Blackpink and I. I ordered this big ol steak with mash potato's.
   Jennie: "is it that good."
   You: "hell yeah."
   Rosie: "anyways I'm very happy for you and Tae so let's have a toast for you two"
   We all clinked our drinks together and continued talking and eating having a genuinely good time.

              Taes POV
   Tae: "alright guys let's go to that college party on that one campus down the street from us."
   All: "yeaaahhhhhhhhh."
   We all left and went to the party. When we got there we saw these college people who saw and knew we weren't from here.
   I saw this one girl and she came up to me, now since I'm aloud to whatever I want I didn't stop her.
   Her: "hey would you like a lap dance."
   Tae: "hell yeah."
   She took us to sit at this one place. She had some other people with her which I guess were her friends. They started grinding on us.
   I wasn't really affected by this since I had y/n but damn she had a fat ass. I started to slap that ass and she turned around and almost kissed me but I had to stop her.
   Her: "what's your problem I thought you wanted it."
   Tae: "I have a wife."
   Her: "are you serious like you have actually have wife."
   Tae: "yeah well fiancé this is my bachelor weekend."
   Her: "oh my gawd why are you here then."
   Tae: "to have a good time."
   Her: "well umm ok I might wanna get off of you now. Wait how old are you."
   Tae: "old enough to get in here."
   I know I'm nineteen but fake IDs are really good.
   Tae: "just know I'm not a pedophile."
   Her: "ummm ok. Bye."
   She got off of me and left with all of her friends. We went to go get a couple drinks. But these drinks were different they were strong and it burned my throat a lot more than a regular drink.
   The boys got a different drink than me so they were completely fine. I was acting crazy and was a dancing mess until I passed out.
   Rm: "Tae...Tae... uh guys I think he passed out."
   Jhope: "this boiiiiii"
   They had to carry me to the hotel we were staying at.
    When I woke up I felt pain in my head already. Wtf did I drink yesterday, I probably was roofied. I wish y/n was here she would take care of me. But that night was crazy.
   Jimin: "are you ok last night you went crazy."
   He came in the room and hugged me.
   Tae: "no my head, my stomach, my feet, my everything is aching right now."
   Jimin: "I asked Suga if I could be y/n today...he said no but I'll help you out. So today will be your resting day."
   Tae: "thank you Jimin but once my headache clears up we're gonna do something."
   Jimin: "are you sure? I want you to feel alright your wedding is in two days."
   Tae: "yes I'm positive."

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