Chapter 35

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   We all woke up and started to talk about them selves.
   Jimin: "yes I am the handsome jimin. You probably remember me"
   You: "nope"
    Jimin: "anyways I like to be cute and sexy so yeah that's about it. We have a pretty close friendship."
   You: "noice Jimin noice"
   Rm: "hey y/n I missed so much. I like to outsmart everyone here soooo. And I'm here if you ever need help. We're great friends now imma go solve a puzzle."
    You: "I'll just have to be smarter than that one. You guys are all great but why do I not have any girl friends."
    Tae: "well we'll get to that part eventually but not right now ok."
    You: "ok. Can someone please show me the rest of the house"
    All: "oh meeeee"
    You: "how about you guys each get a certain room. Like this. Jin you get bathroom and your room. Suga wait where did he go."
   Suga: "I told I was gonna take a nap."
   You: "you weren't here this whole time"
   He nods in agreement
   You: "omg anyways. Nvm I don't need the tour I'll figure it out on my own I wanna get lost in here."
   Jimin: "ok"
   As I was looking through the house I saw this bookcase with my favorite book so I pulled it but the shit opened. I peeked through the door and saw a bunch of stuff but I didn't want to get caught so I just left. But I'm coming back when everyone's asleep though so.
   When I was done looking my way out the maze... I mean house haha it's just really big I went to get Tae and Jin for food and question.
   You: "do you think you could cook something and I need to ask you some questions thanks guys."
   Tae and I went to my room to talk
   Tae: "what do you need"
   Y/n: "umm why don't I have any girl friends not that you guys are bad but I need someone to relate to"
   Tae: "I will tell you this they know where you are but they need to leave you alone right now ok I'll tell you more when your ready"
   You: "but I am ready"
   He cupped my face
   Tae: "look beautiful I'll tell you later"
   He said sweetly and left. What the hickory heck why can't I know ugh it's whatever but I'm still gonna find out what's behind the bookshelf.
   Jin: "y/n your food is ready come eat"
   You: "yayyy JIN I LOVE YOUU"
   Jin: "Y/N I LOVE YOU TOO"
   I hugged him and we ate Mac and cheese with chicken then I asked him the same question I asked Tae.
   You: "Jin why don't I have any girl friends"
   Jin: "I would tell you but it's not the right thing to do right now you need to get settled in hun."
   You: "ugh fine then when will I find out"
   Jin: "it depends on when we think your ready"
   You: "ok. I'm full I'm gonna go take a shower now are we doing anything later."
   Jin: "all of us are going to the arcade ok"
   You: "oh fun ok"

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