Chapter One-Arrival

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Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the characters and world, this is just my plot!

Hermione's POV:

I smiled as I sat next to my boyfriend, Ron. We were in the Burrow, but Ginny and I were about to go shopping for the first day of our seventh-year redo!

Because of the war, Harry, Ron, and I spent most of our time hunting for Horcruxes. We didn't get much learning in, so thank goodness for McGonagall! 

I sighed as I bit into more of Molly's food. It was delicious! She had made all sorts of things! There were pot roasts, meatloaf, salads, puddings, cakes, jello, salads, punches, liquors and so much more! 

"Ready to go shopping, 'Mione?" My best friend, Ginny Weasley asked me.

"Always! I can't wait to go to Flourish and Blotts and get new bo-"

"No! McGonagall lifted the dress code so we don't need robes! Well, we still will, but that's only for a couple of occasions! We're going clothes shopping! " Ginny jumped up from her chair in delight. "Can we go now, Mum?"

"If you've finished your lunch, dear!" Molly chirped. She picked up the pot of floo powder. "Loud and clear now!"

I looked at Ginny. "Diagon Alley!," I shouted. I was engulfed in a sea of green flames. A tugging sensation hit me, but just a second later, I appeared in Diagon Alley. Ginny appeared next to me just a second later.

"Ready to go?," I asked her.

"You bet!" She giggled. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into a pet shop. "First, let's get me a pet! You've got Crookshanks, but I want my own cat!"

I laughed. "They can be hard to take care of, Gin."

She sighed. "I know, but they're so cute!" She walked to the back of the shop. There were four cats there. One was a completely black female with bright green eyes. She meowed as we passed by her.

"Awww!," I cooed. "You're so cute!"

"Hey! Mine!," Ginny giggled from beside me. "I've only seen you for less than a minute but I already love you more than Harry!"

I howled in laughter. "I-won't tell-him you-said-that!" I wheezed. 

"Thanks, girl," She replied. We walked up to the counter to pay for her, as well as get more cat supplies. We happily skipped out, heading towards a new clothing shop.

"Eunoia. Hm...sounds like a cute cat name!," Ginny exclaimed, looking up at a flashing sign. Eunoia meowed from her cat carrier.

"I think she likes it!" We walked into the store and gasped. They had used an enlargement charm! There were five floors, and we headed up to the top. This was where all the girls/women's stuff was.

"We need cute outfits! Flashy and modern!" Ginny said. 

"Don't forget about a outfits! And we need to have class appropriate stuff!" I argued.

"But!," Ginny looked at me with sad eyes. "'Mione..."

I sighed. "Alright. Let's get some comfy stuff, normal clothes, and a couple "flashy and modern" outfits, ok?"

"k!" Ginny ran to the rack of sweatshirts. "Comfy first!"

*3 hours later*

"Gin! We should head back! I can' arms!," I groaned. 

"One last shop!" Ginny retorted. "Flourish-"

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