Part Fifty-Three: Reunion

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Hermione's POV:

Draco and I step out of the limo and into the reception hall that was literally ten minutes away.

I had decided to remain in my ginormous poofy dress, I felt happy in it. I felt like a bride...

But now not only was I a bride, I was also a wife.

I walked into the reception hall and gasped.

Everything was decorated lavishly. The colour scheme and flowers all matched the ceremony's colour scheme and flowers.

There was a dance floor, and tables surrounding it. There weren't as many tables, thank goodness, so the reception would be a lot more intimate.

Draco leads me to the biggest and grandest table, which has two identical throne-looking chairs. This table was rectangular, and was directly on the back of the room, so we faced everybody and they face us. .

"We're married," I mutter as I sit down. Instantly, I break into a smile. "We're married!"

Draco laughs and people start flooding in to find their seats. "Well, that is what a wedding is for, is it not?"

I blush and look down. "Of course."

He rubs my back while Narcissa, Lucius, Molly, Arthur, Harry and Ginny take a seat at the table.

"You have better have a good speech about me, mate," Draco warns Harry.

Harry cuckles. "It's amazing, don't you worry."

Ginny smirks slyly at me. "Prepare to be embarrassed, 'Mione!"

I instantly cower into my seat, dreadfully dreading what she was going to say.

After a couple of minutes of chatting, Narcissa stands up and taps her glass with her fork. "We will now begin the speeches," She announces. She motions for Ginny to begin, and she sits down.

Ginny walks up to the podium and clears her throat. Everybody is silent, unmoving, all attention on her. Of course, she's used to this so she doesn't freeze up, nor does she hesitate. She simply stands proudly, looking at the audience as she begins her speech.

"Hermione Jean Granger is my best friend," Ginny begins, tucking a strand of fiery red hair behind her ear. "She's always been there for me, no matter how badly I messed up. She always tries to see everybody's point of view, despite their past or their personna."

Ginny turns to me and smiles. "Hermione Granger is so much more than a friend to me, she's like a sister. She will always be a part of my family, and I guess ferret boy will be too." People in the audience laugh at this, and I smile fondly at the memory. Draco scowls.

"Now for an embarrassing story!" Ginny exclaims, clapping her hands happily. I pout and Draco comfortingly pats my hand.

"In my third year and her fourth, she went to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum." Ginny looks over at Viktor and Daphne, who both nod. Draco tenses, but I brush a finger over his hand, and he calms down. "So I have no idea what they were doing, but I found them both hanging from a tree, fully clothed in the middle of the night!" Everybody laughs and Viktor and I blush.

Ginny steps down from the podium, and beckos Harry over.

He clears his throat. "I've got no idea why Draco asked me to be his best man, but here I am!" He opens his arms and the crowd laughs.

Harry clears his throat and continues with his speech. I smile at Draco, who squeezes my hand back.

"Draco Malfoy will always be the ferret to me, the amazing, bouncing, white ferret." Harry rubs his hands together. "But he has changed since then. He has learned to let loose and have some fun with us 'bloody Gryffindors' as he likes to call us." Draco nods admitedly and I smack him slightly on the shoulder.

"I have no embarrassing stories besides the one of him becoming a ferret, but I know that he has changed for the better." Harry concludes, raising his glass. "To Mr. and Mrs. Draco Malfoy!"

"To Mr. and Mrs. Draco Malfoy!" The crowd echoes.

I gaze up at the beautiful man, inside and out, dancing in front of me.

It was time for our first dance, and an orchestra was playing a song specially composed for us! It was so sweet!

Draco twirls me around and I go spinning wildly, but in a controlled manner. I smile at him as we spin around the dance floor elegantly, performing a perfectly choreographed dance.

As soon as we end, people clap and cheer. The DJ switched the music to something more upbeat and happy, and people started to crowd to the dance floor, dancing with their friends and family.

Draco offers me a hand again and I take it. He leads me over to the corner of the room, and I look at him, confused. He pulls the box out again, the box that had confused me for so long.

"It will open now," He informs me. I take the box from his hands tenderly from his hands, and examine it.

Slowly, I open the box to find a small note. I open it up and read it.

Look behind you.

I look at him confused. "What?"

He just smiles. "Look behind you."

I quickly turn around and gasp at what I see.

"Mum! Dad!" I cry, rushing over to them.

There stand my mother and father, gazing happily and Draco and I. My mum wipes several tears from her eyes.

"My baby girl is married!" She cooes into my ear as she hugs me. Everything slows down.

I look over at my father. He stands there, smiling at me but glaring at Draco at the same time. I giggle. "Dad!" I beckon him over and he joins the hug.

"My only daughter is married," He sighs, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I look at my parents with tears in my eyes. "Mym, dad, I'm so sorry I-"

My mother cuts me off. "There's no need to worry dear, we understand." She rubs my back comfortingly.

"Thank goodness Draco was able to do this, right?" My father asks, motioning over to Draco.

His hands are in his pockets and he's talking to some of his family friends. He catches my eye and smiles.

"Yeah," I say. "Thank goodness for Draco Malfoy." 

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