40: Of Parties and Stalkers...

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Thank you all sooooo much for almost 400 reads, ten comments and just a tad over 100 votes!

Love you all!, and thank you all so, so, so, soooooooo much for reading! It truly means the world to me!

Happy day, all! :)

Hermione's POV:

"We need to talk." I tell him.

He pales and tenses, and I can't help but feel a bit guilty. I really didn't want to talk to him about something serious, I just wanted to update him on my feelings.

"About what?" He snarls.

"No need to get hissy!" I snap.

He frowns. "Sorry," He mumbles.

I pull at the tips of my hair and I nibble on my lip. "I think we should start sleeping in the same bed." I finally say.

He perks up. "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, I mean, the whole purpose of the law is to have children, and you really seem to hate the couch so..." I trail off and look up.

He jumps off the desk across from me and moves to hug me. He wraps his arms around me and twirls me around, the way Harry did when Ginny told him he was pregnant.

"Thank you!" He cried. "My back started to hurt so much!"

I laugh. "What did you think I was going to talk to you about?"

He shrugs, looking a lot more relaxed. "I don't know, something serious? But why couldn't this like...wait or something?"

"I just had to get it off my chest, you know?" I explain. I walk over to the door and cock my head. "Coming?" I ask him.

"Coming," He answers, picking up his school bag.

We walk out of the abandoned classroom and head to our next class, History of Magic.

"I think we should start a real-ish relationship." I tell him. "It'll be awkward, but I think it would be good..."

"I think that's perfect," Draco smiles. "My mother will be elated." I giggle a bit.

"Your mother is great, she's really nice!" I compliment. I look down, suddenly feeling awkward. Everybody had their mother's, and he was talking about how he could get me back mine... "Uh...about my mother..."

Draco smiles at me. "The potion is almost done brewing."

I jump on him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squeal. This is going to be great! He is going to brew a potion that will bring back my parents, and I can finally be with them again! They can be there for the wedding, everything will be perfect.

I give him a tender kiss on his cheek and skip into class, not noticing the faint blush appear on his cheeks, the way he brought up one hand to the spot where I had kissed him. Happily oblivious, I take a seat.


"Let's do something," Ginny says. "We need to do something. I'm bored." She stabs into a piece of broccoli at dinner. "We haven't done anything in...ages!"

I sigh, looking around at our friend group. "This whole marriage law isn't enough?"

"No, it's just a bother," Pansy snarks jokingly. She looks me in the eye, dead serious. "Ok but actually, this school needs to have a-"

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