76: I have no idea what I'm doing oops

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Hermione's POV:

Words echo throughout the hall, ringing in my ears, burning themselves into my brain, forcing my head down.

I really don't understand spreading rumours sometimes, especially not when you gossip about the person standing just two feet ahead of you.

Really, how dense can people be?

Pretty dense, I suppose, people can be pretty dense.

"I heard that she doesn't want to do the deed with Draco because he cheated on her!" One fifth year student whispers loudly on my way to class, causing me to flush in anger.

Don't, Hermione, they aren't worth it.

"No way! Did you see her with Charles!?" The friend screeches under her breath.

I feel tears forming at the corner of my eyes but I couldn't let them spill, not now, not here in the open. I can't let anybody see my-

"Well I heard that she did it with-" I whip around, finally having enough of the group of fifth years whispering behind me.

"If you want to say something," I draw out my words, allowing every single letter to flow into their ears and to their brains, though I'm quite sure that since they were gossiping about me literally behind my back, they aren't that bright. "Say it. To. My. Face."

The trio cowers back, and glances at the hallway behind me. I whip around and see Draco standing there, glowering upon them.

"Did you hear that?" He growls, taking a step next to me. They vigorously shake their heads.

"Was she being clear?" He presses.

"Crystal!" The girl in the middle squeaks.

"Sod off then!" He hisses, shooing them away.

He gives them one last growl before squeezing my waist tightly with his left arm. Even though the movement is harsh, his touch still manages to slow time, allowing me to focus on him and only him.

God I love him.

Draco's POV:

The halls of Hogwarts that I once used to rule, strutting around with my friends used to haunt me, but they now promised hope.

And unfortunately, they also promised gossip. Lots and lots of gossip.

"Say it. To. My. Face." I hear Hermione say sharply and angrily. I cut the corner and see Hermione scolding some fifth years, and I feel a protective instinct take over me.

Did they say something to her? I think. I glare at each of them before I finally decide to sneak next to Hermione.

"Did you hear that?" I growl, taking another step closer to Hermione. They shake their heads 'yes', though I have a feeling they only want to get out of the situation.

"Was she being clear?" I press, glowering at each of them.

"Crystal!" The girl in the middle squeaks. She jumps back at my pressing.

"Sod off then!" I hiss, threateningly shooing them away.

I give them one last growl before squeezing my wife's waist tightly with my left arm. A smile appears over her features and I drag her to our next class, glaring at anybody who dares to look at her in a way that was not admirable.

Some people really have no filter, huh?

"Thank you," Hermione blushes, keeping her head down, gazing at her books.

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