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Draco's POV:

When the results finally come in (I swear they had taken years, if not decades to come out! I thought it was magic! It should be instant!), Madam Promfrey freezes and stares at us with wide eyes.

"Oh dear," She mutters, horrified. She fiddles with the testing kit nervously, and reads and rereads the results over and over, making my heart race in anticipation.

Is it that bad? Hermione...please be okay...

"What!" I exclaim, panic gripping at my heart. I try to grab at the results, but she doesn't let go. She holds onto them with a tight grip.

Madam Pomfrey looks up slowly and agonizingly, and with a trembling hand, holds up the results.

'Liquid Hate-Hair of Draco Malfoy
Draught of Paranoia
Essence of Confusion

Liquid hate? Is that why she hates me so much...Amortentia...that means-

"She's going to fall in love with somebody else!" Ginny gasps. She claps a hand to her mouth and sadly gives me a sister-like hug, full of warmth and promise. Promise that she would be there for me, that she would be with me through everything. But what was that hug really worth? It's not like she felt what I felt...though they were best friends...

How can one hug convey so much emotion?

I squeeze her back tightly, careful to avoid her growing baby bump.

Harry fearfully looks up at Madam Pomfrey. "That means-"

"She will hate Mister Malfoy, and fall in love with a mysterious person." Madam Pomfrey admits.

My heart sinks. It goes down past my lungs, past my limbs, and straight into the floor and to the depths of the deepest oceans.

The one person I had allowed myself to care for, would hate me, and fall for somebody else. Somebody who stooped so low as to drug her.

I'm heartbroken.

Yes, my past was horrible, but did this really have to happen to me? After everything I've been through?

While the answer may be yes, losing your wife is a hard thing to go through. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, and the horrible part was that I had only been experiencing it for less than five minutes, and I felt absolutely horrible.

Hermione starts stirring, and the urge to rush over to and comfort her takes over me. I sprint (was it still a sprint if it was five steps?) to her side.

"Ehh....nnngh...." Hermione groans. "Mmmm...ehhhh...nnnnghhh." She continues to groan in pain, almost making it seem like she was trying to say a sentence. Hermione gasps and shoots straight up, bumping me right in the nose as she does so.

"OW!" I yelp, holding my nose in my hands.

Hermione snarls at me. "Weak."

That's all it took for my heart to shatter. One little insult from her mouth directed towards me. It was only four letters. How could four measly letters hurt so much?

Her usually beautifully laced with honey words now dripped with venom. I take a solemn step back, still gazing at her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, which now were full of anger and confusion.

"'Mione," Ginny warns, holding up one finger. "That's your husband."

"And he's weak!" Hermione snaps, wrenching the blankets off of her.

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